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avatar of Rahul Patil

Rahul Patil

Rahul Patil has asked 1 questions and find answers to 8 problems.


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  • Senior Technical Lead with nearly 10 years of experience in developing apps on Android Mobile, Wearable and set-top-box.

  • Developed apps on various Android versions from Cupcake to Pie

  • Exercised good development practices including design
    specification, coding standards, unit testing with reports, and code reviews.

  • Good working experience in bring up of Android devices and exposure to Android build process.

  • Experience in customising and enhancing Android built-in applications like Contacts, Settings, Clock, CMAS and Messaging.

  • Experience in customizing Android software to align with operator requirements

  • Good working experience on Web Service Integration (REST, JSON, XML) & cloud technologies - AWS, GCM, FCM.

  • Experience in working with Amazon Alexa Voice and Nuance Voice Engine.

  • Experience in creating wrappers for MQTT libraries such as eclipse paho , AWS .

  • Experience in creating client for Bluetooth profiles such as Bluetooth classic and Bluetooth LE.

  • Experience in using third party libraries like Okhttp, Volley, RetroFit and Glide.

  • Experience in using Google Maps, Google api's such as places, location api.

  • Experience in using SQLite and shared preferences for persistent data storage in Android applications.

  • Good Knowledge on repo sync, submit, patch cherry picking, patch creation