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Android - What is the right way to save/restore a ListView adapter? [duplicate]



I was looking at the way Android handles orientation change for my application (I discovered that it restarts the mainactivity on orientation change. I've seen that you can override the method

protected void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState)

To save stuff, then have the in onStart. The problem is that I've my view with custom objects and a listview using a custom adapter. Everything is in a ArrayList of these objects, but I've noticed that you can't put arbitrary objects in the bundle! So how do I save the state?

like image 808
gotch4 Avatar asked Oct 12 '10 14:10


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What is ArrayAdapter in android?

android.widget.ArrayAdapter<T> You can use this adapter to provide views for an AdapterView , Returns a view for each object in a collection of data objects you provide, and can be used with list-based user interface widgets such as ListView or Spinner .

What is notifyItemChanged in android?

notifyItemChanged. Notify any registered observers that the item at position has changed with an optional payload object. This is an item change event, not a structural change event. It indicates that any reflection of the data at position is out of date and should be updated.

How to create an ArrayAdapter?

Go to app > res > layout > right-click > New > Layout Resource File and create a new layout file and name this file as item_view. xml and make the root element as a LinearLayout. This will contain a TextView that is used to display the array objects as output.

1 Answers

Have you tried using: its work around ,

<activity name= ".YourActivity" android:configChanges="orientation|screenSize"/>

in Manifest file?

It does not work by default because , when you change the orientation onCreate will be called again and it redraws your view.

If you write this parameter no need to handle in Activity , the framework will take care of rest of things. It will retain the state of the screen or layout if orientation is changed.

NOTE If you are using a different layout for landscape mode , by adding these parameters the layout for landscape mode will not be called.

Other way and Another way

like image 97
Rahul Patil Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 15:09

Rahul Patil