Languages: Ruby,Python,nodeJS, PHP,Angular,JavaScript,jQuery,Html,CSS.
Frameworks: Reactjs and Redux,Ruby on Rails,Express (NodeJS),Flask(python) ,KrakenJS (Node), Laravel, Bootstrap, etc.
CMS: Wordpress
Operating Systems: Linux and windows.
Softwares & plateforms: git, Heroku, aws,mlab.
Databases: Mysql,Sqlite,Postgresql,mongoDb.
Programming platforms with Tech: Windows Software's (Python Tkinter), ios and android (python kivy), websites (php,js,angular,reactJS,ruby,python,html,css).
Extra Skills: Hacking, Metasploit, Pentesting, Wifi Hacking, Cryptography, Network security, Wireshark, Nmap, webscrapping, blockchain, graphql etc.
Hobbies: Chess, Crack Softwares & Passwords, Learn new things in programming.