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Heroku run shows update, is it necessary to update ? And if yes than how?




heroku run rails console  ▸    heroku-cli: update available from 6.11.17 to 6.14.16-9ae58fc  ▸    No app specified 

How do I update my heroku-cli version?

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Pardeep Avatar asked Sep 05 '17 16:09


People also ask

How do I update my heroku to latest version?

If you installed the CLI with apt , you must use sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade heroku . If you installed the CLI with npm or yarn , you must use npm upgrade -g heroku or yarn global upgrade heroku .

Where do heroku commands run?

The Heroku Dashboard now supports heroku run from the App Actions menu. Navigate to your Heroku app to use the App Actions menu.

2 Answers

You are not obligated to update. I am using a previous version as well, and everything works fine.

But if you want to update check this link: https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/heroku-cli

It says that to update your heroku cli you just have to do this:

heroku update 

But there is this issue:

Not all methods of installation are updatable with heroku update. Apt users will have to use sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade heroku. npm/yarn users will have to update with npm upgrade -g heroku-cli or yarn global upgrade heroku-cli

If updating does not update the CLI, try uninstalling with the uninstall instructions below

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Gabriel Mesquita Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 08:09

Gabriel Mesquita

heroku update 

did not work for me. I had to run:

sudo apt update && sudo apt install heroku 

in order to get an update.

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Stefan Falk Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 08:09

Stefan Falk