Computer Science student passionate about technology.
My first contact with programming was when I was 14 years old, programming minigames for a game in the Lua programming language, since then I've been studying different fields of computing, such as: cryptography, network security, web development, games, etc. Free Software supporter and GNU / Linux user since 2015, using various distributions (Arch Linux, Slackware), both for personal use (Desktop) and creating and configuring servers (Web server, file server, firewall, etc). This taught me how things work "under the hood" and gave me command line affinity. In this period I studied several programming languages (C / C ++, Java, C #, Python, Ruby, etc) as personal projects, (ex: Crawlers and utilities for specific problems). Something that allowed me to create a repertoire to solve problems in different ways. I currently work as a Python and Typescript backend developer working on microservices