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Mark Avenius

Mark Avenius has asked 5 questions and find answers to 76 problems.


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I am a software architect by day, and a father of two wonderful little boys by the rest of the day. I am married to a beautiful Namibian (it’s ok, you can look it up; I had to also when we first met) woman who is a combined photographer (thanks for the headshots and baby photos) and myomassologist (thanks for keeping me from getting carpal tunnel).

I am a bit of a coffee snob, using exclusively AeroPress for brewing. (Seriously. There is nothing like it. Try one, and you won’t want to go back). My favorite coffee is Dunkin’ Donuts’ Original Blend (I don’t think this makes me a snob).

I have realized, over the past few years, that I am cheap. I don’t like spending money on anything on which I have to spend money. I regularly end up spending a ridiculous amount of time researching the best deal, after which point I realize how low my hourly rate for searching would be if calculated, based on the given savings to time ratio.

I like good beer, and I don’t mind paying for it. And I tend to contradict myself (compare this statement to the above).

  • See more at: http://blog.aveni.us/index.php/about-me/