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How to build an and-or tree?

I need a tree structure that supports "and" and "or"ing. For example, given a regular expression like ab|c(d|e) I want to turn that into a tree.

So, at first we have two "or" branches... it can either go down ab, or c(d|e). If you head down the ab branch, you get two nodes, a and b (or a followed by b, whatever). Then if you go down the c(d|e) branch, you get c and (d|e), then (d|e) is split into d or e.

Making a tree structure is easy, you just have something like

class Node {
    string element;
    Node[] children;

But then how do you know if the children should be "anded" or "ored"? I guess each level of the tree should alternate between "anding" and "oring"

Does that make sense? Can anyone suggest a structure for this?

A few people have suggested storing the "operator" on the node, which is fine, but isn't there a way to take advantage of the fact that each level always alternates or,and,or,and,...?

Edit: Not quite sure why people keep assuming this is a binary tree. It's not. I was hoping the tiny code snippet would tip you off. The example just happens to have only 2 branches.

Currently leaning towards this:

abstract class Node { }

class DataNode : Node
    string data;

abstract class OpNode : Node
    Node[] children;

class OrNode : OpNode { }
class AndNode : OpNode { }
like image 657
mpen Avatar asked Dec 07 '10 21:12


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5 Answers

Think of a tree structure where every node represents a boolean expression that can be evaluated to be either true or false - in your case a regular expression (match or non-match). The tree structure itself represents AND and OR: Each route, starting at the root node and ending with a node that has no further children, is a conjunction of expressions, representing AND. The tree


would represent A AND B AND C.

Whenever a node has more than 1 child node, there is an OR (disjunction), branching into several routes:

   / \
  B   D

represents A AND ((B AND C) OR D)

So you do not even need to store the operators anywhere.

In your example you have the expression ab|c(d|e) so there is no common root expression to evaluate; I suggest the root in this case is simply true and the tree would look like:

   / \
  A   C
 /   / \
B   D   E

For a custom tree class in c# look here Tree data structure in C# or search on or make one of your own.

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Wintermute Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 17:10


I did this just a few days ago using ANTLR. ANTLR provided me with a grammar which is represented as an AST Abstract Syntax Tree as you just described and it generated c# code that could handle that grammar.

It's quite nice and elegant. Here are a few example.

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phillip Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 19:10


abstract class Node { }

class DataNode : Node {
    public string Data { get; }

    // details

class OperatorNode : Node {
    public Node Left { get; }
    public Node Right { get; }
    public BinaryOperator Operator { get; }

    // details

abstract class BinaryOperator { // details }

class Or : BinaryOperator { // details }
class And : BinaryOperator { // details }
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jason Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 19:10


You could have 2 types of nodes: operator nodes and variable nodes.

The leaves of your tree would all be variable nodes; all other nodes would be operator nodes.

Binary operator nodes would have two children. Unary operator (like NOT) nodes would have 1 child.

For your example ab|c(d|e):

  /         \
 AND       AND
 / \      /  \
a   b    c   OR
           /  \
          d    e
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mbeckish Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 19:10


Is there anything wrong with this:

enum Operation

class Node {
    string element;
    Node[] children;
    Operation operation;


As an example of how ab|c(d|e) would look something like this:

Node root = new Node
            operation = Operation.Or,
            children = new Node[]
                new Node
                    operation = Operation.And,
                    children = new Node[]
                          new Node{ element = "a" },
                          new Node{ element="b" }
                new Node
                    children = new Node[]
                        new Node{ element = "c"},
                        new Node
                            operation= Operation.Or,
                            children = new Node[]
                                new Node{ element= "d"},
                                new Node{element = "e"}
like image 4
Mark Avenius Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 18:10

Mark Avenius