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Jamshed Alam

Jamshed Alam has asked 0 questions and find answers to 17 problems.


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I am an iOS developer with 6+ years of professional experience. I enjoy developing latest work of any projects and always heartily try to learn about new technology. I am working with Xcode, Objective-C, Swift, Cocos2d. I am interested in best practices that are being adopted by the iOS community and implementing them into my work. I have developed productivity, lifestyle, utility related apps and many more.

Professional Expertise:

Languages: Objective-C, Swift.

iOS Frameworks/API: iOS 6.00-iOS 10.0, UIKit, AVFoundation, CoreLocation, CoreGraphics, CoreAnimation, MapKit, RESTKit, AFNetworking, MKStoreKit, GCD, Thread, Custom UI Elements, Auto Layout, CocoaPods, SQLite, Core Data, iAD, GoogleMobileAds, SDWebImage, File System, Contact, CloudKit, Push/Local Notification, In-App Purchase and everything related to app store submission.

IDE: Xcode.

Source Control: Git.

Find me on LinkedIn , Facebook ,

Skype : codetolive99

App Links :

  • SelfieYo Chat

  • Burn 2 Learn , Fitness app

  • HungryNaki - Food Delivery App

    Email me at jamshed.bas@gmail.com