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iOS 10 XCode 8 - secure text field, bug?

I updated my app from Xcode 7 to Xcode 8 and now I am facing a problem with my password input field.
When the password is longer than the provided field, my app freezes and starts to consume memory until it crashes.
Fun fact, it just happens when I set the text to "secure text".
My field is vertically centered and has a fixed width (not sure if thats imporant),
and when my password is longer than the number of characters, the input field can take (and where it should move to the left) I get the crash.

Did anybody experience smt like that?
(as I said I just updated to a newer XCode - running on a 10.0.2 real device, didnt have that problem on the old one ...)



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rimes Avatar asked Oct 10 '16 03:10


1 Answers

Yes, it is a bug.

Bug is like :

An app can freeze when a user types a large password into a textfield that tries to scale down the text to fit.

Check it : https://openradar.appspot.com/28590124

Possible solution :

  1. change the secure password character in UITextfield

  2. Secure UITextField text change to (*) asterisk character

like image 131
Jamshed Alam Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 02:11

Jamshed Alam