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Gurbii has asked 3 questions and find answers to 0 problems.


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A youngster with a passion for web and design, goal driven and social.

I am Gerben, a student New Media and Communications Technology, and this is just a short summary describing myself as a developer. From a very young age I was drawn to technology, whether it be a simple game boy or a high end computer. Making assignments for school I spend more time creating a beautiful video or PowerPoint, instead of putting the entire focus on the subject itself. Eventually I decided to make my passion my work, and chose for a career in IT.

From the start on, the design appealed to me more then what was going on under the hood. That's why my focus has always been on what the user sees, feels, moves them. In order to achieve this I focused on web design, as well as on web graphics. But I didn't stop there, I extended my knowledge with video & audio skills.

I am driven, don't give up easily, social, and once I bite into something I won't let go. I love working in teams, as it's the best way to extend each others knowledge and learn new things.