How to Write a Batch File
What is delayed expansion?
Why does delayed expansion fail when inside a piped block of code?endlocal & set
in case of delayed expansion
What are the undocumented features and limitations of FINDSTR?
How does the Windows Command Interpreter parse scripts?
How does the Windows RENAME command interpret wildcards?
Rules for how CMD parses numbers
What encoding/code page is cmd using
UTF-8 codepage 65001 in Windows - part I
UTF-8 codepage 65001 in Windows - part II
How to replace "=","*", ":" in a variable
Find and Replace: Aacini's FindRepl.BAT
Find and Replace: dbenham's JREPL.BAT
FOR loop is stripping out blank lines?
Copying files with name containing just numbers using a batchfile
Short course in escaping special characters
Survey of algorithms for computing string length
Batch file to delete files older than N days
How can a .bat file be 'converted' to .exe without third party tools?
How to calculate a date/time difference
How to get 64 tokens with FOR /f loop