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Retain first file for each date

I want to keep 5 last generated file in my directory, retaining only the first file of each date, because inside my subfolders, I have generated files multiple times in the same day.

I have multiple folder with subfolder named "old"


So for example in my subfolder I have this :

   Mode                LastWriteTime     Length Name                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   
----                -------------     ------ ----                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

-a---        07/06/2013     12:01  231248950 geofi.ry.                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
-a---        07/06/2013     12:33  231248506 geofi.ry.                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
-a---        07/06/2013     14:51  231248957 geofi.ry.                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
-a---        17/06/2013     19:47  231248860 geofi.ry.                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
-a---        18/06/2013     11:03  231248480 geofi.ry.
-a---        23/06/2013     07:30  231250266 geofi.ry.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   
-a---        23/06/2013     21:30  231250266 geofi.ry.                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
-a---        04/07/2013     00:42  231249910 geofi.ry.
-a---        04/07/2013     16:12  231249910 geofi.ry.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
-a---        08/07/2013     16:10  231250481 geofi.ry.                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
-a---        10/07/2013     08:40  231250476 geofi.ry.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
-a---        17/07/2013     10:22  231249418 geofi.ry.                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

I want to keep theses files :

-a---        17/07/2013     10:22  231249418 geofi.ry.
-a---        10/07/2013     08:40  231250476 geofi.ry.   
-a---        08/07/2013     16:10  231250481 geofi.ry.    
-a---        04/07/2013     00:42  231249910 geofi.ry. (on this date i have two files, I want to keep the first generated at this date 00:42).
-a---        23/06/2013     07:30  231250266 geofi.ry. (on this date i have two files, I want to keep the first generated at this date 07:30).

This is a draft but I'm stuck, how can I compare time?

$Days = "5"

$TargetFolder = "C:\test\"

$Extension = "*.zip"

 $Files = Get-Childitem $TargetFolder -Include $Extension -Recurse | sort-object {$_.LastWriteTime} -Descending | ? { $_.fullname -match "old" } | select-object -First 1

 $most_recent_date = $files.LastWriteTime

 $LastWrite = $most_recent_date.Add(-$Days)

 $Files2 = Get-Childitem $TargetFolder -Include $Extension -Recurse | Where {$_.LastWriteTime -le "$LastWrite"}  | ? { $_.fullname -match "old" }

 foreach ($File in $Files2) 
    if ($File -ne $NULL)
        Remove-Item $File.FullName | out-null
        Write-Host "No more files to delete!"


like image 323
Adeel ASIF Avatar asked Mar 23 '23 01:03

Adeel ASIF

2 Answers

The job can also be done with the help of good old batch with it's built-in associative arrays:

FOR /f "delims=" %%a IN ('dir /a-d /b *.zip') DO (
    FOR /f "tokens=2-4delims=/ " %%b  IN ("%%a") DO SET "filedate=%%d%%c%%b"
    FOR /f "tokens=3" %%b IN ("%%a") DO SET "filetime=%%b"
    SET "$!filedate!$!filetime!=%%a"
FOR /f "delims=$" %%a IN ('set "$"') DO (
    IF NOT "%%a"=="!files!" (
        SET "file="
        FOR /f "tokens=2*delims=$=" %%b IN ('set "$%%a"') DO IF NOT DEFINED file SET "file=%%c"
        SET "#%%a=!file!"
        SET "files=%%a"
        SET /a filecount+=1
SET /a filecount-=5
FOR /f "skip=%filecount%tokens=2delims==" %%a IN ('set "#"') DO ECHO %%a

Session protocol:

>dir /a-d *.zip
-a---        07/06/2013     12:01  231248950 geofi.ry.
-a---        07/06/2013     12:33  231248506 geofi.ry.
-a---        07/06/2013     14:51  231248957 geofi.ry.
-a---        17/06/2013     19:47  231248860 geofi.ry.
-a---        18/06/2013     11:03  231248480 geofi.ry.
-a---        23/06/2013     07:30  231250266 geofi.ry.
-a---        23/06/2013     21:30  231250266 geofi.ry.
-a---        04/07/2013     00:42  231249910 geofi.ry.
-a---        04/07/2013     16:12  231249910 geofi.ry.
-a---        08/07/2013     16:10  231250481 geofi.ry.
-a---        10/07/2013     08:40  231250476 geofi.ry.
-a---        17/07/2013     10:22  231249418 geofi.ry.

-a---        23/06/2013     07:30  231250266 geofi.ry.
-a---        04/07/2013     00:42  231249910 geofi.ry.
-a---        08/07/2013     16:10  231250481 geofi.ry.
-a---        10/07/2013     08:40  231250476 geofi.ry.
-a---        17/07/2013     10:22  231249418 geofi.ry.

like image 67
Endoro Avatar answered Apr 05 '23 14:04


If you want to keep the most recent file of the 5 most recent dates across all folders try this:

$TargetFolder = 'C:\test'
$Extension    = '*.zip'

$files = gci $TargetFolder -Include $Extension -Recurse |
    ? { -not $_.PSIsContainer -and $_.Directory.Name -eq 'old' }
$keep = $files | sort LastWriteTime -Desc | group {$_.LastWriteTime.Date} |
    % {$_.Group[-1].FullName} | select -First 5
$totalSize = ($files | ? { $keep -notcontains $_.FullName } |
    Measure-Object -Sum Length).Sum
$files | ? { $keep -notcontains $_.FullName } | Remove-Item -WhatIf

"Deleted size: {0:N3}" -f ($totalSize / 1GB)

If you want to keep the most recent file of the 5 most recent dates from each folder try this:

$TargetFolder = 'C:\test'
$Extension    = '.zip'
$totalSize    = 0

gci $TargetFolder -Recurse | ? { $_.PSIsContainer -and $_.Name -eq 'old' } | % {
  $files = gci $_.FullName | ? { -not $_.PSIsContainer -and
      $_.Extension -eq $Extension }
  $keep = $files | sort LastWriteTime -Desc | group {$_.LastWriteTime.Date} |
      % {$_.Group[-1].FullName} | select -First 5
  $totalSize += ($files | ? { $keep -notcontains $_.FullName } |
      Measure-Object -Sum Length).Sum
  $files | ? { $keep -notcontains $_.FullName } | Remove-Item -WhatIf

"Deleted size: {0:N3}" -f ($totalSize / 1GB)

Remove the -WhatIf-switch from Remove-Item and re-run the code after you double-checked that the code really does what you want.

like image 29
Ansgar Wiechers Avatar answered Apr 05 '23 15:04

Ansgar Wiechers