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avatar of Bharata


Bharata has asked 0 questions and find answers to 73 problems.


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This user is javascript / html / svg / css guru.

This user is always ready to help and to answer. He likes to answer questions about javascript.

The best answers from this user

  1. How to convert special characters when using jsPDF? JavaScript
  2. How to efficiently have many readonly Monaco Diff Views on one page? JavaScript
  3. How to bulk generate PDF from HTML templates ready for double-sided printing in PHP? PHP
  4. How to render FontAwesome as SVG Image using Javascript? JavaScript
  5. How to determine if a request was via a browser bookmark/favorite vs a link? JavaScript
  6. How to create a quiz with multiple pages in one HTML file with JavaScript? JavaScript
  7. How to clone dom node with initial values? Please in Vanilla Javascript JavaScript
  8. How to fix: Failed to execute 'postMessage' on 'Window' GoogleTagManager JavaScript

You could view all answers from this user too.

This user helps the people also to solve their problems with directions: Software development, Education, Spirituality, Nutrition, Health, Diseases obviation.

This user is vegan 🍏 and he is always trying to find the possibilities to be friendly and respectful to other people.

Something about the democracy on StackOverflow and people opinions: https://i.stack.imgur.com/8F2Sf.jpg 😊

I would also like to help you in your life with my recommended books. 🙏 ॐ

If you like my answers feel free to upvote it (maybe even with some feedback). It would encourage me to continue with an inspiration. I will not stay in debt! ;-)