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How to add a Dynamic Range Filter for multi-value property?

The DynamicRangeFilter in Searchkit is a nice and easy solution to e.g. filter years. You would just save a year field in Elasticsearch and use the filter:


So far I didn't find out how it could be used to filter a multi-value property, e.g. a range of years. Imagine you have a duration property with a start and end:

    "id": 123,
    "title": "Foo",
    "duration": {
      "start": 2013,
      "end": 2016
    "id": 234,
    "title": "Bar",
    "duration": {
      "start": 2015,
      "end": 2015
    "id": 345,
    "title": "Baz",
    "duration": {
      "start": 2017,
      "end": 2020

Now, the filter should respect the duration and display all items within range. I'm not sure if and how fieldOptions could be used to achieve this.

like image 864
lorenz Avatar asked Dec 11 '18 18:12


1 Answers

You can achieve this if you use date filter component for Searchkit like follows:

A calendar-style date filter component for Searchkit

This Searchkit filter lets users filter start-end date ranges based on a chosen start time and an optional end time.

See demo directory for a working example.

enter image description here

The Searchkit components needed for date range filtering were originally published here under the MIT license.


npm install --save-dev searchkit-datefilter


import { SearchkitComponent } from "searchkit";
import { DateRangeFilter, DateRangeCalendar } from "searchkit-datefilter"

class App extends SearchkitComponent
                title="Date range"
                    type: 'embedded',
                    options: {
                        path: 'event_date'


  • fromDateField (ESField): Required. An elasticsearch date field to use as the beginning.
  • toDateField (ESField): Required. An elasticsearch date field to use as the end.
  • id (string): Required. id of component. Must be unique. Used as key for url serialisation
  • title (string): Required. Title used for component and for selected filters component
  • calendarComponent (ReactComponent): Calendar component to use when rendering

    • Compatible with DateRangeCalendar
    • Defaults to DateRangeFilterInput which just shows two date math input fields
  • fieldOptions ({type:"embedded|nested|children", options:Object}) Configures the type field that is stored in ElasticSearch, can be embedded or nested or children

    • type:nested requires options.path provided
    • type:children requires options.childType provided
    • see Field Options in Searchkit documentation
  • rangeFormatter ((count:number)=> string|number) A formatter function used to convert numbers into more readable display values. E.g. long number formatting or prefixing currencies.`

The full description you can find in date filter code repositories: here and here.

The full example from the part of code above you can find here.

I hope it helps you. Good luck!

like image 104
Bharata Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 10:10
