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Andrea Salicetti

Andrea Salicetti has asked 7 questions and find answers to 12 problems.


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Software project has two goals: To deliver the system; To set up for the next game.

[Alistair Cockburn - Cooperative game manifesto]

Hardworking, enthusiastic and open-minded young professional focused on growing in the field of software engineering. I believe that passion and curiosity encourage the talent: innovation and new challenges are my fuel from this point of view.

Focused on process optimization, my skills span through all the vertical layers of a typical web application:

  • persistence:
    • schemed: PostgreSQL, MySql, Oracle.
    • nosql: MongoDB, Redis.
  • backend: Ruby on Rails, Sinatra (mainly used for API middlewares), Node JS (idem)
  • frontend: Javascript, HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, Compass, jQuery, EmberJS, Facebook API, Google API, Heroku API, AWS API, eBay API.
  • cloud deployment: Heroku, EC2
  • Web middleware: AWS, S3, CloudFront (CDN), Memcache, Sidekiq, Sphinx (search engine), ElasticSearch.

Process management tools and services I worked with:

  • SCM: Git, CVS.
  • SCM community web services: Github, Bitbucket.
  • Agile tools: Trello (Kanban), Agilezen, Pivotal Tracker.
  • TDD: RSpec, Cucumber (BDD), Minitest
  • Continuous Integration / delivery: Codeship, Shippable, Jenkins.
  • Customer service management: ZenDesk, FreshDesk, Vivocha, UserVoice.
  • Analytics: Google Analytics, Mixpanel.

My work as software engineer is to orchestrate all these tools to build up a reliable solid development process. To improve my skills I try - when I can - to contribute to open source projects (see my Github account for details)

Excellent team worker, I always try to overcome myself and share at best my knowledge with my team. My vision is summed up by the famous aphorism by Bernard of Chartres:

...we are like dwarfs on the shoulders of giants, so that we can see more than they, and things at a greater distance, not by virtue of any sharpness of sight on our part, but because we are carried high and raised up by their giant size.