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Group by language in google analytics

I would like to see the data on Demographic -> Language grid grouped by ISO 3316 language, without differences between the (optional) ISO639 country code national variant.

For example, instead of seeing:

| Language | Visits |
| it       | 56,027 |
| it-it    | 35,130 |
| en-us    | 5,878  |
| en       | 1,211  |
| es       | 897    |
| es-es    | 576    |
| ...      | ...    |

I would like to see something like this:

| Language | Visits |
| it       | 91,157 |
| en       | 7,089  |
| es       | 1473   |

Is it possible?

like image 444
Andrea Salicetti Avatar asked Nov 13 '22 08:11

Andrea Salicetti

1 Answers

You can do an advanced filter at the profile level that will search and replace the language input field and keep only the first 2 letters.

like image 165
Open SEO Avatar answered Jun 17 '23 03:06

Open SEO