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User-Friendly PHP Error Message

PHP is famous for displaying ugly error messages, though they are useful at times. I know I can hide error messages with


That's fine, but it leaves the user completely in the dark as to what is going on. The page has stopped working and they don't know why. How can I display a simple message along the lines of "Sorry, there is an error. Please send an e-mail to the webmaster"?

It would be the same message for all errors, and I'm thinking of maybe popping up a javascript alert, but open to any other ideas.

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TrapezeArtist Avatar asked Mar 21 '23 19:03


1 Answers

Implement an error and exception handler

You need to write a custom error handler like this. As you can see at the bottom, I am introducing a FATAL error. Here PHP does not spit any ugly error messages as you have quoted. It would just print Some Error Occured. Please Try Later.


set_error_handler( "log_error" );
set_exception_handler( "log_exception" );
function log_error( $num, $str, $file, $line, $context = null )

    log_exception( new ErrorException( $str, 0, $num, $file, $line ) );

function log_exception( Exception $e )
    echo "Some Error Occured. Please Try Later.";

require_once("texsss.php");// I am doing a FATAL Error here
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Shankar Narayana Damodaran Avatar answered Mar 31 '23 20:03

Shankar Narayana Damodaran