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Useful Add-Ins or Plug-Ins for native Visual Studio developer [closed]

I'm amazed that Visual Assist has not been mentioned yet!

ViEmu is my personal favorite. Emulates VI right inside of VS. :^)

Is nobody using Resharper? - Shame on you! ;-)

Seriously, you don't know what you're missing (I do, because I've yet to convince my boss to buy it, and my evaluation period has expired)

The addition of this tool to visual studio almost brings it up to the level of IntelliJ Idea for Java

RockScroll is awesome, but there is something more powerful: MetalScroll :)

btw... I also recommend this patch: http://code.google.com/p/metalscroll/issues/detail?id=9

VSFileExplorer is a nice file explorer for VS. It's also very helpful when used together with subversion/tortoiseSVN, since it displays the tortoise overlay icons within VS.

and of course

GhostDoc for generation of XML doc comments for methods, properties, classes, ...