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Use underscore inside Angular controllers

People also ask

What does underscore mean in AngularJS?

The underscores are a convenience trick we can use to inject a service under a different name so that we can locally assign a local variable of the same name as the service.

Can we put nested controllers in an angular application?

Nested Controllers: AngularJS allows using nested controllers. It means that you have specified a controller in an HTML element which is a child of another HTML element using another controller.

When you include Underscore, it attaches itself to the window object, and so is available globally.

So you can use it from Angular code as-is.

You can also wrap it up in a service or a factory, if you'd like it to be injected:

var underscore = angular.module('underscore', []);
underscore.factory('_', ['$window', function($window) {
  return $window._; // assumes underscore has already been loaded on the page

And then you can ask for the _ in your app's module:

// Declare it as a dependency of your module
var app = angular.module('app', ['underscore']);

// And then inject it where you need it
app.controller('Ctrl', function($scope, _) {
  // do stuff

I have implemented @satchmorun's suggestion here: https://github.com/andresesfm/angular-underscore-module

To use it:

  1. Make sure you have included underscore.js in your project

    <script src="bower_components/underscore/underscore.js">
  2. Get it:

    bower install angular-underscore-module
  3. Add angular-underscore-module.js to your main file (index.html)

    <script src="bower_components/angular-underscore-module/angular-underscore-module.js"></script>
  4. Add the module as a dependency in your App definition

    var myapp = angular.module('MyApp', ['underscore'])
  5. To use, add as an injected dependency to your Controller/Service and it is ready to use

    angular.module('MyApp').controller('MyCtrl', function ($scope, _) {
    //Use underscore

I use this:

var myapp = angular.module('myApp', [])
  // allow DI for use in controllers, unit tests
  .constant('_', window._)
  // use in views, ng-repeat="x in _.range(3)"
  .run(function ($rootScope) {
     $rootScope._ = window._;

See https://github.com/angular/angular.js/wiki/Understanding-Dependency-Injection about halfway for some more info on run.

You can also take a look at this module for angular


If you don't mind using lodash try out https://github.com/rockabox/ng-lodash it wraps lodash completely so it is the only dependency and you don't need to load any other script files such as lodash.

Lodash is completely off of the window scope and no "hoping" that it's been loaded prior to your module.