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Use older version of jHipster

I have different projects using jHipster (which is an absolutely awesome project!!!). My problem is that I have already made important changes on some projects created with earlier version and I don't want to upgrade to the latest version.

Is there any way to set the version while using the generator ?

What I'm looking for is something like that :

yo jhispter:entity foo -v 1.2.0 

when I want to use the version 1.2.0 to generate the entity.

Does something like that exist ? If no, how to manage different versions of the generator ?

like image 621
Mathieu Avatar asked Mar 31 '15 11:03


1 Answers

After more research on the subject it looks like you need to install an older version to switch version.

npm install -g [email protected]
like image 181
Mathieu Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 11:09
