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Yeoman / Grunt not compiling Compass

Has anyone come across an issue using compass with yeoman and grunt where the stylesheets are not being compiled in their build. I'm new at this and trying to really understand whats going on behind the scenes. Any help would be appreciated.


  'use strict';
  var lrSnippet = require('grunt-contrib-livereload/lib/utils').livereloadSnippet;
  var mountFolder = function (connect, dir) {
    return connect.static(require('path').resolve(dir));

  module.exports = function (grunt) {
    // load all grunt tasks

    // configurable paths
    var yeomanConfig = {
      app: 'app',
      dist: 'dist'

    try {
      yeomanConfig.app = require('./component.json').appPath || yeomanConfig.app;
    } catch (e) {}

      yeoman: yeomanConfig,
      watch: {
        coffee: {
          files: ['<%= yeoman.app %>/scripts/{,*/}*.coffee'],
          tasks: ['coffee:dist']
        coffeeTest: {
          files: ['test/spec/{,*/}*.coffee'],
          tasks: ['coffee:test']
        compass: {
          files: ['<%= yeoman.app %>/styles/{,*/}*.{scss,sass}'],
          tasks: ['compass']
        livereload: {
          files: [
            '<%= yeoman.app %>/{,*/}*.html',
            '{.tmp,<%= yeoman.app %>}/styles/{,*/}*.css',
            '{.tmp,<%= yeoman.app %>}/scripts/{,*/}*.js',
          tasks: ['livereload']
      connect: {
        options: {
          port: 9000,
          // Change this to '' to access the server from outside.
          hostname: 'localhost'
        livereload: {
          options: {
            middleware: function (connect) {
              return [
                mountFolder(connect, '.tmp'),
                mountFolder(connect, yeomanConfig.app)
        test: {
          options: {
            middleware: function (connect) {
              return [
                mountFolder(connect, '.tmp'),
                mountFolder(connect, 'test')
      open: {
        server: {
          url: 'http://localhost:<%= connect.options.port %>'
      clean: {
        dist: {
          files: [{
            dot: true,
            src: [
              '<%= yeoman.dist %>/*',
              '!<%= yeoman.dist %>/.git*'
        server: '.tmp'
      jshint: {
        options: {
          jshintrc: '.jshintrc'
        all: [
          '<%= yeoman.app %>/scripts/{,*/}*.js'
      karma: {
        unit: {
          configFile: 'karma.conf.js',
          singleRun: true
      coffee: {
        dist: {
          files: [{
            expand: true,
            cwd: '<%= yeoman.app %>/scripts',
            src: '{,*/}*.coffee',
            dest: '.tmp/scripts',
            ext: '.js'
        test: {
          files: [{
            expand: true,
            cwd: 'test/spec',
            src: '{,*/}*.coffee',
            dest: '.tmp/spec',
            ext: '.js'
      compass: {
        options: {
          sassDir: '<%= yeoman.app %>/styles',
          cssDir: '.tmp/styles',
          imagesDir: 'images',
          javascriptsDir: '<%= yeoman.app %>/scripts',
          fontsDir: '<%= yeoman.app %>/styles/fonts',
          importPath: '<%= yeoman.app %>/components',
          relativeAssets: true
        dist: {},
        server: {
          options: {
            debugInfo: true
      concat: {
        dist: {
          files: {
            '<%= yeoman.dist %>/scripts/scripts.js': [
              '<%= yeoman.app %>/scripts/{,*/}*.js'
      useminPrepare: {
        html: '<%= yeoman.app %>/index.html',
        options: {
          dest: '<%= yeoman.dist %>'
      usemin: {
        html: ['<%= yeoman.dist %>/{,*/}*.html'],
        css: ['<%= yeoman.dist %>/styles/{,*/}*.css'],
        options: {
          dirs: ['<%= yeoman.dist %>']
      imagemin: {
        dist: {
          files: [{
            expand: true,
            cwd: '<%= yeoman.app %>/images',
            src: '{,*/}*.{png,jpg,jpeg}',
            dest: '<%= yeoman.dist %>/images'
      cssmin: {
        dist: {
          files: {
            '<%= yeoman.dist %>/styles/main.css': [
              '<%= yeoman.app %>/styles/{,*/}*.css'
      htmlmin: {
        dist: {
          options: {
            /*removeCommentsFromCDATA: true,
            // https://github.com/yeoman/grunt-usemin/issues/44
            //collapseWhitespace: true,
            collapseBooleanAttributes: true,
            removeAttributeQuotes: true,
            removeRedundantAttributes: true,
            useShortDoctype: true,
            removeEmptyAttributes: true,
            removeOptionalTags: true*/
          files: [{
            expand: true,
            cwd: '<%= yeoman.app %>',
            src: ['*.html', 'views/*.html'],
            dest: '<%= yeoman.dist %>'
      cdnify: {
        dist: {
          html: ['<%= yeoman.dist %>/*.html']
      ngmin: {
        dist: {
          files: [{
            expand: true,
            cwd: '<%= yeoman.dist %>/scripts',
            src: '*.js',
            dest: '<%= yeoman.dist %>/scripts'
      uglify: {
        dist: {
          files: {
            '<%= yeoman.dist %>/scripts/scripts.js': [
              '<%= yeoman.dist %>/scripts/scripts.js'
      rev: {
        dist: {
          files: {
            src: [
              '<%= yeoman.dist %>/scripts/{,*/}*.js',
              '<%= yeoman.dist %>/styles/{,*/}*.css',
              '<%= yeoman.dist %>/styles/fonts/*'
      copy: {
        dist: {
          files: [{
            expand: true,
            dot: true,
            cwd: '<%= yeoman.app %>',
            dest: '<%= yeoman.dist %>',
            src: [

    grunt.renameTask('regarde', 'watch');

    grunt.registerTask('server', [

    grunt.registerTask('test', [

    grunt.registerTask('build', [
      // 'jshint',
      // 'test',
      // 'coffee',
      // 'cdnify',

    grunt.registerTask('default', ['build']);
like image 830
alvincrespo Avatar asked May 07 '13 18:05


1 Answers

The solution of the provided github issue:

I edited the grunt build task and moved 'concat' to before 'imagemin' and now grunt build works properly and main.css is properly generated.

like image 173
sja Avatar answered Nov 18 '22 14:11
