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Use of \tikzexternalize

I want to improve compiling speed of my latex thesis. I have read that using \tikzexternalize, only when there is a change in the tikz codes they are compiled.

The problem is that I can no use \tikzexternalize properly. This is my preamble:

\usetikzlibrary{shapes.geometric, arrows, shadows, calc,positioning}

And this is not working at all. I received next error:

Undefined control sequence. \tikzexternalize

If it is useful, I am using MikTex with TextStudio and TextLive with Textstudio also under Ubuntu. It doesn't work in any of these system.

Hope you can help me.

like image 671
Fernando Martinez Avatar asked Sep 26 '22 05:09

Fernando Martinez

2 Answers

Didn't you forget to add


? I just found it here : tex.stackexchange

like image 165
naurel Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 06:09


I have done it. Now I don't have any error messages, but no figures are saved into TikzFigures folder. This is my preamble:

\usetikzlibrary{shapes.geometric, arrows, shadows, calc,positioning,external}
\tikzexternalize[mode=graphics if exists,
figure list=true,

This is how I add my tikz figures. First example is by using circuitikz.

        (4,.5)  node [op amp](opamp) {} % Amplificador Operacional
        (0,0)   node [ ground]{} to (0,1)
        to [R=$Sensor A201$,-*] (opamp.-)
        (opamp.out)|- (5,2.5) to [R=$R_{F}$](2.8,2.5) to (opamp.-)
        (opamp.+) to [short,-o] (2.8,-1) node [right] {$V_{+}$}
        (opamp.out) to [short, *-o] (6,.5) node[right] {$V_{ADC}$}

Next one, is by using the common tikz package:

    \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance = 2cm, auto]
        % Colocamos los nodos
        \node [cloud] (init) {Initialize System};
        \node [block, below of=init] (connection) {Connection to the master};
        \node [block, below of=connection] (wait) {Wait for master events};
        \node [block, below of=wait] (measure) {Measure and send to master};
        % invisible node helpful later
        \node[right of=wait,scale=0.05](inv){};
        % Colocamos las relaciones entre nodos
        \path [line] (init) -- (connection);
        \path [line] (connection) edge[loop left] node {No Network}();
        \path [line] (connection) -- (wait);
        \path[-,draw] (wait) -| node{} (inv.north);
        \path[line]{} (inv.north) |- node[above]{Reconnect} (connection);
        \path [line] (wait) edge[loop left] node {Sleep}();
        \path [line] (wait) -- (measure);
        \path [line] (measure) -- (wait);

And last one is by using sequencediagram package, that if I am not wrong is also based on tikz.

                \node[below right of=master,font=\scriptsize](master_state){Idle};
                \node[below right of=slave,font=\scriptsize](slave_state){Sleep};
                \begin{sdblock}{Run Loop}{}
                    \begin{call}{pc}{Start Measurement}{master}{Master Data}
                        \begin{call}{master}{Data Request}{slave}{Slave Data}
                \node[below of=master_state,font=\scriptsize, node distance= 4cm]{Idle};
                \node[below of=slave_state,font=\scriptsize, node distance= 4cm]{Sleep};
like image 20
Fernando Martinez Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 06:09

Fernando Martinez