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Use of TABLE_DATE_RANGE function with table decorators

Is there any any way to use TABLE_DATE_RANGE or TABLE_QUERY with table decorators?

I would like to extract all "new records" (added in past 2 hours) from a set of tables.

Many thanks

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N.N. Avatar asked Mar 30 '14 05:03


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1 Answers

Not currently. That's an interesting feature request, however. I'm trying to think of what the syntax would look like. Perhaps where the dataset name / prefix is used we could use a *, as in TABLE_DATE_RANGE(dataset1.prefix*@time, timestamp1, timestamp2) or TABLE_QUERY(dataset1.prefix*@time, 'where clause')

I've filed a feature request.

like image 180
Jordan Tigani Avatar answered Nov 17 '22 00:11

Jordan Tigani