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Parsing response from Google big query

i am fetching records from Google big query using gem 'google-api-client', When I fetch records from table

 client.execute(api_method: @compute_api.tabledata.list,
                                    parameters: {projectId: project,
                                                datasetId: dataset, 
                                                tableId: table,
                                                maxResults: 10}).body

I get response like,

"kind": "bigquery#tableDataList",
"etag": "\"iBDiwpngzDA0oFU52344ksWOrjA/-xEFKhLUueR63_XVaLG4z_mJt-8\"",
"totalRows": "2000113",
"rows": [
"f": [
 "v": "11873943041"
 "v": "639592585-0-1809110554@"
 "v": "1.430438401E9"
 "v": "1.430438402E9"
 "v": "1.430438404E9"
 "v": "1.430438862E9"

Which does not have column names in it, Does anyone have any idea about how to get columns names along with data?

Currently I need to make another API request to fetch schema and get column names.

like image 622
Pandurang Waghulde Avatar asked Aug 11 '15 06:08

Pandurang Waghulde

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BigQuery supports the Google Standard SQL dialect, but a legacy SQL dialect is also available. If you are new to BigQuery, you should use Google Standard SQL as it supports the broadest range of functionality. For example, features such as DDL and DML statements are only supported using Google Standard SQL.

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2 Answers

I found answer for this myself using bigquery command line tool (bq),

bq --format=json query "select * from calls.details limit 10"

when using bq if we dont provide --quiet option then it returns response with additional text to it(status about big query job), that causes problem in parsing Json as shown below

Waiting on bqjob_r36676afce1bcba8d_0000014f1ba0e36b_1 ... (0s) Current status: DONE   
[{"status":null,"userfield":null,"answer_stamp":"2015-05-01 00:00:04","term_roid":"a"}]

Thats the reason I moved to use google api to fetch data and again that doesn't give you column names along with data. But I found that we can remove that extra text by using --quiet option for bq command like

bq --quiet --format=json query "select * from calls.details limit 10"
like image 101
Pandurang Waghulde Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 18:10

Pandurang Waghulde

The API does not provide a way to get the schema and rows for an arbitrary table in a single API call. You need to call tables.get to get the schema, and then tabledata.list to get the rows.

However, if you're running a query, you can get the output schema and output rows in a single API call by using jobs.query or jobs.getQueryResults. You can even call jobs.getQueryResults on an already-completed query job, even if that query job was executed by some other means.

https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/reference/v2/jobs/query https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/reference/v2/jobs/getQueryResults

like image 1
Jeremy Condit Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 16:10

Jeremy Condit