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Use mobx or redux or with repository pattern and persistent local storage realm or sqlite?

Mobx and Redux will normally not persist any data. They will maintain a temporary global state while the app is running.

I know there are redux-persist and mobx-persist packages within both communities. But unfortunately these persisting solutions do not seem good at all. They only stringify or serialize a global state tree and persist it using some sort of key-value storage. Right?

The problem:

When such an app is open again, the stringified store will be parsed and structured back to its original data structure (JSON, for instance) and then fully loaded into the RAM memory. Am I right?

If yes, this is a problem. It is not good to always have a full "database" aka "global state" loaded in-memory. It will probably never be faster to filter data within a long array in my global state... compared to querying a table on SQLite, right?

I have been looking for some repository-like solution for persisting global state for either redux or mobx. I am yarning for some solution for persisting and querying data on some well-known mobile database like SQLite or others.

Any answers will be very much appreciated.

like image 593
ofundefined Avatar asked Jan 24 '23 10:01


2 Answers

Indeed you can use repository pattern.

On your repository, you may have a save method.

    save(group: GroupLocalStorageModel): Promise<boolean> {
        let created;
        this._localStorage.write(() => {
            created = this._localStorage.create<GroupLocalStorageModel>("Group", group);
        return Promise.resolve(true);

This method will literally save your entity to some local storage you set. In the example above, we are saving a group object to a Group collection which are like tables. We are using realm which is no-sql.

Once you have your repository, if you are using either redux or mobx, you will probably call your save method on your action. Both redux and mobx work with actions, right?

export const GroupStoreModel = types
        groups: types.optional(types.array(GroupModel), []),
    .actions((self) => {
        return ({
            _addGroupToStore(group: GroupLocalStorageModel) {
            _deleteAllFromStore() {
            _addGroupsToStoreBatch: (groups: GroupLocalStorageModel[]) => {
    /* Async actions */
    .actions((self) => {
        let groupRepository = self.environment.groupRepository;
        return ({
            addGroup(group: GroupLocalStorageModel) {
                groupRepository.save(group).then(result => self._addGroupToStore(group))
            getAllGroupsPaginated(page: number) {
                groupRepository.getAllPaginated(page).then(groups => self._addGroupsToStoreBatch(groups));
            deleteAll() {

In this example, we are using mobx-state-tree. And this addGroup action will update firstly our database, and then update also the global state.

We still want to use our global state so our views will be re-rendered automatically according to either connect for redux or observable for mobx.

See more informations here on the repository:


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HADA Avatar answered Apr 29 '23 06:04


AFAIK, there are two options for using sqlite with redux persist.

  1. redux-persist-sqlite-storage: By maintainer's own word

By default redux-persist uses AsyncStorage as storage engine in react-native. This is a drop-in replacemet of AsyncStorage. The library is inspired by react-native-sqlite-storage.

Please, remember, to use this, you need to install an additional package installed react-native-sqlite-storage

  1. redux-persist-sqlite: By maintainer's own word

A redux-persist storage adapter that writes to sqlite. This is adapted from https://github.com/prsn/redux-persist-sqlite-storage, but uses Node.js sqlite3 rather than react-native. Great for Electron apps that are backed by Redux.

UPDATE: react-native-mmkv : This is developed by WeChat. As it says in its about section

An extremely fast key/value storage library for React Native. ~30x faster than AsyncStorage!

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MRPMOHIBURRAHMAN Avatar answered Apr 29 '23 06:04