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react-native-maps - polygon onPress event

I'm using react-native-maps and I'm rendering Polygons on my map that I want to be pressable.

My problem is that AFAIK react-native-maps Polygon doesn't have an onPress event.

I also thought about wrapping each Polygon with a Touchable component, but then my problem is that (again, AFAIK...), overlays in react-native-maps have to be direct children of the MapView component or else they won't render...

Any way to get this working?


like image 930
Uri Klar Avatar asked Mar 12 '23 08:03

Uri Klar

2 Answers

Now there is an onPress event on the Polygon.

Reference: https://github.com/react-community/react-native-maps/blob/master/docs/polygon.md

    strokeColor="rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)"
    onPress={() => this.onPress('foo')}
like image 85
heren Avatar answered Apr 03 '23 01:04


Ok, so I got this answer from https://github.com/airbnb/react-native-maps/issues/488.

The idea is to add an onPress event to the MapView component like so:

<MapView onPress={ this.mapPressed }>

Then, using geojson-js-utils you can do (double array is on purpose, that's the way the function works):

import { pointInPolygon } from 'geojson-utils';

mapPressed(event) {
 const pointCoords = [event.nativeEvent.coordinate.longitude,

 const polygonCoords = [ [lngA, latA], [lngB, latB] ... etc... ];

 const  inPolygon = pointInPolygon(
   { 'type': 'Point', 'coordinates': pointCoords },
   { 'type': 'Polygon', 'coordinates': [plotCoords] }

 if (inPolygon) {
  // do something 

like image 44
Uri Klar Avatar answered Apr 03 '23 02:04

Uri Klar