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Use .mak files on Visual Studio 2010

I'm trying to test the live555 libraries (live555.com) on Windows. Here are the instructions: http://www.live555.com/liveMedia/#config-windows

I managed to generate the .mak files, but now I do not know how to use them in Visual Studio 2010 to start any of the applications (as openRTSP or playSIP).

How I can use or open .mak files in Visual Studio 2010?

Thanks for the help. Greetings!

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Lobo Avatar asked Jan 20 '11 09:01


2 Answers

In trying to compile live555 with Visual Studio 2012 I had similar issues. Here's some stuff I needed to do to make it build. Items 3+ are based on these instructions for compiling live555 with vs2008

1) I had to copy nmake.exe into the VC\bin directory from another location (it was somewhere else). See social MSDN page for more info.

2) In addition I also had to remove question marks from the .mak files ("prefix? =...", for example) for conditional assignment or it wouldn't build (the error was "too many names to the left of =").

3) Open the ‘win32config’ file and change the TOOLS32=... variable to your VS2008 install directory. For me, it’s TOOLS32=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\VC

4) In ‘win32config’, modify the LINK_OPTS_0=... line from msvcirt.lib to msvcrt.lib. This fixes the link error: LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'msvcirt.lib'

5) Open the Visual Studio command prompt. From the ‘live’ source directory, run genWindowsMakefiles

6) Now you’re ready to build. Simply run the following commands:

cd liveMedia
nmake /B -f liveMedia.mak

cd ..\groupsock
nmake /B -f groupsock.mak
cd ..\UsageEnvironment
nmake /B -f UsageEnvironment.mak
cd ..\BasicUsageEnvironment
nmake /B -f BasicUsageEnvironment.mak
cd ..\testProgs
nmake /B -f testProgs.mak
cd ..\mediaServer
nmake /B -f mediaServer.mak
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noelicus Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 11:09


As far as I know you can't open .maks in recent visual studios - you have to compile them from the command-line instead.

Open a Visual Studio command prompt (or run vsvars32.bat from the VS Common\Tools directory in a regular command prompt) then try

nmake /f abc.mak

I've a feeling you could open makefiles them way back in VS6 but can't remember - it might have been generate them instead.

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Rup Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 12:09
