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Publish a Web Application from the Command Line

I've got a series of .NET 4 based web applications (WCF and Web) within the same solution, but need to selectively publish, from the command line.

I've tried various things so far, MSBuild, aspnet_compiler, but nothing, to date has worked.

I need to be able to specify the Project, not the solution, have any transforms run and have the output redirected to a folder...basically mimick the right mouse click 'Publish' option, using the File System.

In addition to all of this, I'd like to leave the projects alone - not adding msbuild files all over the place, as this is a specific build, and not necessarily related to the project.

Stuff I've tried:

  • Publish ASP.NET MVC 2 application from command line and Web.config transformations
  • Equivalent msbuild command for Publish from VS2008
like image 719
Kieron Avatar asked Aug 16 '11 10:08


2 Answers

Save the following script as publishProject.bat

rem publish passed project 
rem params: %configuration% %destDir% %srcDir% %proj%
@echo off
SET DestPath=d:\projects\Publish\%2
SET SrcPath=d:\projects\Src\%3\
SET ProjectName=%4
SET Configuration=%1

RD /S /Q "%DestPath%" rem clear existed directory
:: build project
MSBuild  "%SrcPath%%ProjectName%.vbproj" /p:Configuration=%Configuration%
:: deploy project
MSBuild "%SrcPath%%ProjectName%.vbproj" /target:_CopyWebApplication /property:OutDir=%DestPath%\ /property:WebProjectOutputDir=%DestPath% /p:Configuration=%Configuration%
xcopy "%SrcPath%bin\*.*" "%DestPath%\bin\" /k /y

echo =========================================
echo %SrcPath%%3.vbproj is published
echo =========================================

I call it from another batch file

@echo off
rem VS2010. For VS2008 change %VS100COMNTOOLS% to %VS90COMNTOOLS%
call "%VS100COMNTOOLS%\vsvars32.bat" 
SET ex=.\publishProject.bat Release

call %ex% KillerWebApp1 KillerWebApp1\KillerWebApp1 KillerWebApp1
call %ex% KillerWebApp2 KillerWebApp2\KillerWebApp2 KillerWebApp2
call %ex% KillerWebApp3 KillerWebApp3\KillerWebApp3 KillerWebApp3
call %ex% KillerWebApp4 KillerWebApp4\KillerWebApp4 KillerWebApp4

EDIT: Code above works for most cases but not for all. I.e. we use another asp .net application and link it as virtual folder in IIS. For this situation VS2008 worked fine with code above but VS2010 also copy files from virtual directory while deploying. The following code works properly also in VS2010 (solution was found here)

Add to your project file (*.csproj, *.vbproj)

<Target Name="PublishToFileSystem" DependsOnTargets="PipelinePreDeployCopyAllFilesToOneFolder">
    <Error Condition="'$(PublishDestination)'==''" Text="The PublishDestination property must be set to the intended publishing destination." />
    <MakeDir Condition="!Exists($(PublishDestination))" Directories="$(PublishDestination)" />

        <PublishFiles Include="$(_PackageTempDir)\**\*.*" />

    <Copy SourceFiles="@(PublishFiles)" DestinationFiles="@(PublishFiles->'$(PublishDestination)\%(RecursiveDir)%(Filename)%(Extension)')" SkipUnchangedFiles="True" />

Change publishProject.bat to:

rem publish passed project 
rem params: %configuration% %destDir% %srcDir% %proj%
@echo off
SET DestPath=d:\projects\Publish\%2
SET SrcPath=d:\projects\Src\%3\
SET ProjectName=%4
SET Configuration=%1

:: clear existed directory
RD /S /Q "%DestPath%"

:: build and publish project
MSBuild "%SrcPath%%ProjectName%.vbproj" "/p:Configuration=%Configuration%;AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False;PublishDestination=%DestPath%" /t:PublishToFileSystem
like image 108
Cheburek Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 02:11


I know this is an old question, but I just learned something, so I decided I'd share: While it is 100% true that the "_CopyWebApplication" target exists and works, as of .NET 4.0 it has been superseded by the "_WPPCopyWebApplication" target in Microsoft.Web.Publishing.targets, which supports new features like web.config transformation syntax, etc.

like image 28
JerKimball Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 00:11
