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Use keras(TensorFlow) to build a Conv2D+LSTM model





The data are 10 videos and each videos split into 86 frames and each frame has 28*28 pixels,

video_num = 10
frame_num = 86
pixel_num = 28*28

I want to use Conv2D+LSDM to build the Model, and at each time_steps(=frame_num=86) send the pixels data (=INPUT_SIZE=28*28) in the model.So the following is my code about the Model

BATCH_SIZE = 2 (just try)
TIME_STEPS=frame_num (=86)
INPUT_SIZE=pixel_num (=28*28)

model = Sequential()
model.add(InputLayer(batch_input_shape=(BATCH_SIZE, TIME_STEPS,     
print (model.output_shape)

model.add(TimeDistributed(Conv2D(64,(1,3),strides=(1,1), padding='same', 
data_format='channels_last')))  ##always the error here
print (model.output_shape)

print (model.output_shape)

data_format='channels_last', padding='same')))
print (model.output_shape)

print (model.output_shape)

print (model.output_shape)

model.add(TimeDistributed(Dense(4096, activation='relu')))
print (model.output_shape)

model.add(LSTM(100, stateful=True, return_sequences=True))
print (model.output_shape)

model.add(Dense(1, activation='sigmoid'))
print (model.output_shape)

the following figure shows the error from command line

https://imgur.com/a/yAPQO says "list index out of range"

I think that error is about the input shape in TimeDistributed() which gets the input from upper layer(InputLayer()), but I have no idea how to fix the error. I have tried to remove the InputLayer(), and use

TimeDistributed(Conv2D(...), input_shape=(TIME_STEPS, INPUT_SIZE))

as the first layer, but also get the same error...

If anyone know about this error, please share your idea, I will be very appreciate. Also, I still didn't very clear about the difference between batch_input_shape and input_shape, did anyone use these two before? Thanks.

like image 243
Edward Chang Avatar asked Nov 24 '17 09:11

Edward Chang

People also ask

Does TensorFlow support LSTM?

Tensorflow provides support for LSTM, GRU (slightly different architecture than LSTM) and simple RNN cells. We're going to use LSTM for this task. For each LSTM cell that we initialise, we need to supply a value for the hidden dimension, or as some people like to call it, the number of units in the LSTM cell.

What is Return_sequences in LSTM?

LSTM return_sequences=True value: The ouput is a 3D array of real numbers. The first dimension is indicating the number of samples in the batch given to the LSTM layer. The second dimension is the number of time steps in the input sequence.

What is Conv2D in TensorFlow?

Keras Conv2D is a 2D Convolution Layer, this layer creates a convolution kernel that is wind with layers input which helps produce a tensor of outputs.

1 Answers

A Conv2D layer requires four dimensions, not three:

  • (batch_size, height, width, channels).

And the TimeDistributed will require an additional dimension:

  • (batch_size, frames, height, width, channels)

So, if you're really going to work with TimeDistributed+Conv2D, you need 5 dimensions. Your input_shape=(86,28,28,3), or your batch_input_shape=(batch_size,86,28,28,3), where I assumed you've got an RGB video (3 color channels).

Usually, you just pass an input shape to the TimeDistributed.

model.add(TimeDistributed(Dense(....), input_shape=(86,28,28,3))

You will need the batch_input_shape only in the case of using stateful=True LSTM's. Then you just replace the input_shape with the batch_input_shape.

Notice that only the convolutional 2D layers will see images in terms of height and width. When you add the LSTM's, you will need to reshape the data to bring height, width and channels into a single dimension.

For a shape (frames, h, w, ch):


And you should not use TimeDistributed with these LSTMs, only with the convolutional layers.

Your approach of using model.add(TimeDistributed(Flatten())) is ok instead of the reshape.

Notice also that Keras has recently implemented a ConvLSTM2D layer, which might be useful in your case: https://keras.io/layers/recurrent/#convlstm2d

like image 188
Daniel Möller Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 00:11

Daniel Möller