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use if-else statement in java-8 lambda expression

I have a for-statement in java-7 and it's work fine:

Character cha = new Character(',');
String ncourseIds = null;
String pastCourseIds = null;
for (EquivalentCourse equivalentCourse : equivalentCourses) {
  if(equivalentCourse.getNcourse() != null){
    ncourseIds += equivalentCourse.getNcourse().getId()+ ",";   
  } else if(equivalentCourse.getPastCourse() != null) {
    pastCourseIds +=equivalentCourse.getPastCourse().getId()+","; 
if(!ncourseIds.isEmpty() &&cha.equals(ncourseIds.charAt(ncourseIds.length()-1))) {
  ncourseIds = ncourseIds.substring(0, ncourseIds.length()-1);
if(!pastCourseIds.isEmpty()&& cha.equals(pastCourseIds.charAt(pastCourseIds.length()-1))) {
  pastCourseIds = pastCourseIds.substring(0,pastCourseIds.length()-1);

Now I want to convert my code to Stream & collect in java-8, I implement half of my business about filter not null Ncourse:

equivalentCourses.stream().filter(obj -> obj.getNcourse() != null )
                 .map(obj -> obj.getNcourse().getId()).collect(Collectors.joining(",")); 

but I don't know to implement it's else-statement. any help?

like image 836
Shayan Mirzaee Avatar asked Feb 15 '17 13:02

Shayan Mirzaee

People also ask

How do you write if-else condition in Java 8?

Conventional if/else Logic Within forEach() First of all, let's create an Integer List and then use conventional if/else logic within the Integer stream forEach() method: List<Integer> ints = Arrays. asList(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10); ints. stream() .

Which is the valid syntax for lambda expression in Java 8?

Java Lambda Expression Syntax 1) Argument-list: It can be empty or non-empty as well. 2) Arrow-token: It is used to link arguments-list and body of expression. 3) Body: It contains expressions and statements for lambda expression.

What is lambda expression in Java 8 with example?

Lambda Expressions were added in Java 8. A lambda expression is a short block of code which takes in parameters and returns a value. Lambda expressions are similar to methods, but they do not need a name and they can be implemented right in the body of a method.

How do I add an IF condition in Stream API?

In java 8, stream api is added with the forEach() method and inside this, we can add the if-else conditions. But, forEach() is called on the streams.

2 Answers

As a stream call chain is complex make two streams - avoiding the conditional branches.

String ncourseIds = equivalentCourses.stream()
   .filter(equivalentCourse -> equivalentCourse.getNcourse() != null)
   .map(x -> String.valueOf(x.getId()))
   .collect(Collectors.joining(", "));

String pastCourseIds = equivalentCourses.stream()
   .filter(equivalentCourse -> equivalentCourse.getNcourse() == null
          && equivalentCourse.getPastCourse() != null)
   .map(x -> String.valueOf(x.getId()))
   .collect(Collectors.joining(", "));

This also is code focusing on the resulting two strings, with an efficient joining.

By the way, if this is for an SQL string, you may use a PreparedStatement with an Array.

Embellishment as commented by @Holger:

String ncourseIds = equivalentCourses.stream()
   .collect(Collectors.joining(", "));

String pastCourseIds = equivalentCourses.stream()
   .filter(equivalentCourse -> equivalentCourse.getNcourse() == null)
   .collect(Collectors.joining(", "));
like image 91
Joop Eggen Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 15:10

Joop Eggen

You could group by condition and then remap:

public void booleanGrouping() throws Exception {
    List<String> strings = new ArrayList<>();

                    Collectors.groupingBy(s -> s.endsWith("a")) // using function Obj -> Bool not predicate
                            e -> e.getKey() ? "Present" : "Past",
                            e -> e.getValue().stream().collect(Collectors.joining(""))

First stream group by condition, you should use equivalentCourse.getNcourse() != null second remap collections from value to string. You could introduce:

enum PresentPast{
    Present, Past
    PresentPast is(boolean v){
         return v ? Present : Past

and change e -> e.getKey() ? "Present" : "Past" to enum based solution.


Solution for else if:

public Map<Classifier, String> booleanGrouping() throws Exception {
    List<String> strings = new ArrayList<>();
    // our ifs:
        }else if(string.startsWith("e")){}

        final map should contains two elements
        endsWithN -> ["jan"]
        startsWithE -> ["ela"]
        NOT_MATCH -> ["ala"]

    return strings.stream()
                    Collectors.groupingBy(Classifier::apply) // using function Obj -> Bool not predicate
                            e -> e.getKey(),
                            e -> e.getValue().stream().collect(Collectors.joining(""))

enum Classifier implements Predicate<String> {
        public boolean test(String s) {
            return s.endsWith("n");
        public boolean test(String s) {
            return s.startsWith("e");
    }, NOT_MATCH {
        public boolean test(String s) {
            return false;

    public static Classifier apply(String s) {
        return Arrays.stream(Classifier.values())
                .filter(c -> c.test(s))
like image 39
Koziołek Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 15:10
