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Use HTTPURLResponse in place of URLResponse




I want to call an API and its a part of my app, but I want to make sure I get the status code of the site I am calling into (to prevent runtime errors). I can't get the status code for URLResponse, but I can get it for HTTPURLResponse. How do I use the latter in place of the former?

    let requestURLString = "my_http_url"
    let requestURL = URL(string: requestURLString)
    let config = URLSessionConfiguration.default
    let session = URLSession(configuration: config)
    let ETAreq = session.dataTask(with: requestURL!)

        (data, response (this is the URLResponse), error) in

        if error == nil

            //switch (this is where I will put switch of status code)


like image 452
Ronald Aja Avatar asked Sep 16 '16 12:09

Ronald Aja

1 Answers

Though, URLResponse and HTTPURLResponse are renamed with losing NS-prefix. They still are classes and HTTPURLResponse is a subclass of URLResponse.


You can use as? or as!:

        error == nil,
        let httpResponse = response as? HTTPURLResponse
        switch httpResponse.statusCode {
        case 200:
    } else {
        //error case here...
like image 70
OOPer Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 19:11