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Different Results from HTTP calls to angular2-in-memory-web-api with the same collection name




I am trying to use angular2-in-memory-web-api in my angular 2 project. I'm having trouble finding any documentation that shows how to return different data objects for different requests with the same collection name. I believe the class I use for my SEED_DATA is off but I'm not sure how to structure it the right way to get what I want.

Here is my main.ts

import {provide} from "@angular/core";
import {bootstrap} from "@angular/platform-browser-dynamic";
import {HTTP_PROVIDERS, XHRBackend} from "@angular/http";
import {AppComponent} from "./app.component";
import {SEED_DATA, InMemoryBackendService} from "angular2-in-memory-web-api/in-memory-backend.service";
import {AppTestData} from "./AppTestData";

bootstrap(AppComponent, [
    provide(XHRBackend, {useClass: InMemoryBackendService}),
    provide(SEED_DATA, {useClass: AppTestData})

My AppTestData.ts file would look something like this

export class AppTestData {
    createDb() {
        let studentData = {
            name: "Student Name",
            grade: "B"
        let otherStudentData = {
            name: "Other Student Name",
            grade: "A"

        let httpPaths = {
            somepath: {
                student: studentData,
                anotherPath: {
                    student: otherStudentData
        return httpPaths;

My attempt at the httpPaths object is off. But the idea would be me calling a get http call to "something/student" and getting back studentData and calling another get http call to "something/anotherPath/student" and getting back otherStudentData.

The following does seem to work but I would like to specify my complete path incase I want post to “something/student” and “something/anotherPath/student” and get different results.

let httpPaths = {
            student: studentData
like image 335
Blake Avatar asked Jun 08 '16 23:06


1 Answers

I believe you missed the brackets in the return statement:

return {httpPaths};

The developer created an example which can be found here

like image 82
Luc Vandewall Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 03:10

Luc Vandewall