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Use Google Web Fonts in commercial native Cocoa apps? [closed]

Can Google Web Fonts be legally used in commercial native Cocoa apps on OS X? Google says officially that one can use the fonts for free on commercial websites, but didn't state specifically the case with native apps.

Currently I've downloaded the font (in woff format) from the URL defined in CSS, converted it via an online tool to ttf and included it in my project.

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zavié Avatar asked Jun 06 '12 21:06


1 Answers

From http://www.google.com/webfonts/#AboutPlace:about

"All of the fonts are Open Source. This means that you are free to share your favorites with friends and colleagues. You can even customize them for your own use, or collaborate with the original designer to improve them. And you can use them in every way you want, privately or commercially — in print, on your computer, or in your websites."

like image 104
user673705 Avatar answered Nov 18 '22 01:11
