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Use directive in host of another Directive

I want to add a directive to an element from another directive by using the host property, but there doesn't seem to be a way to reference the other directive.

    selector: '[one]',
    host: { '[two]': '"some-value"' }
    // How can I reference DirectiveTwo here?
export class DirectiveOne { }

    selector: '[two]'
export class DirectiveTwo { }

When doing this, I get the standard "Can't bind to 'two' since it isn't a known native property" error.

What is the correct way of referencing and using one directive from another?

like image 724
Yona Appletree Avatar asked May 10 '16 20:05

Yona Appletree

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1 Answers

Directives are instantiated by Angular for selectors matching statically added HTML (element, id, attribute, class, ...) only.
There is no way to instantiate directives using the host parameter of the @Component() or @Directive() decorator. There is also no way to create directives dynamically using ViewContainerRef.createComponent() (former DynamicComponentLoader)

Getting a reference to another directive that was instantiated by Angular because of a statically added HTML on the same element is supported though.

like image 95
Günter Zöchbauer Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 05:10

Günter Zöchbauer