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Use delegate in place of interface

I read that you can use interfaces and delegates for the same purpose. Like, you can use delegates instead of interfaces.

Can someone provide an example? I've seen an example in the nutshell book but I fail to remember and wanted to ask away.

Is it possible to provide some sample code? Use case?


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DarthVader Avatar asked May 13 '11 16:05


People also ask

Can we declare delegate inside interface and why?

If you try to put a delegate in an interface, the compiler says that "interfaces cannot declare types." The Ecma-334 standard (8.9 Interfaces) agrees with the remarks on that page and the compiler. Save this answer.

Which of the two can be implemented delegate or interface?

Delegates can me implemented any number of times. Interface can be implemented only one time. It is used to handling events.

What is difference between delegate and interface in C#?

Delegates and Interfaces are two distinct concepts in C#. Interfaces allow to extend some object's functionality, it's a contract between the interface and the object that implements it, while delegates are just safe callbacks, they are a sort of function pointers.

Which of the two is faster to execute delegate or interface?

Delegates are faster because they are only a pointer to a method. Interfaces need to use a v-table to then find a delegate; They are equal, but delegates are easier to use.

2 Answers

If your interface has a single method, then it is more convenient to use a delegate.

Compare the following examples:

Using an interface

public interface IOperation
    int GetResult(int a, int b);

public class Addition : IOperation
    public int GetResult(int a, int b)
         return a + b;

public static void Main()
    IOperation op = new Addition();
    Console.WriteLine(op.GetResult(1, 2));

Using a delegate

// delegate signature.
// it's a bit simpler than the interface
// definition.
public delegate int Operation(int a, int b);

// note that this is only a method.
// it doesn't have to be static, btw.
public static int Addition(int a, int b)
    return a + b;

public static void Main()
    Operation op = Addition;
    Console.WriteLine(op(1, 2));

You can see that the delegate version is slightly smaller.

Using anonymous methods and `Func` delegates

If you combine this with built-in .NET generic delegates (Func<T>, Action<T> and similar), and anonymous methods, you can replace this entire code with:

public static void Main()
    // Func<int,int,int> is a delegate which accepts two
    // int parameters and returns int as a result
    Func<int, int, int> op = (a, b) => a + b;

    Console.WriteLine(op(1, 2));
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Groo Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 03:09


Delegates can be used in the same way as a single-method interface:

interface ICommand
   void Execute();

delegate void Command();
like image 27
Mark Cidade Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 03:09

Mark Cidade