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Regular Expression For Alphanumeric String With At Least One Alphabet Or Atleast One Numeric In The String




To test one alphanumeric string we usually use the regular expression "^[a-zA-Z0-9_]*$" (or most preferably "^\w+$" for C#). But this regex accepts numeric only strings or alphabet only strings, like "12345678" or "asdfgth".

I need one regex which will accept only the alphanumeric strings that have at-least one alphabet and one number. That is to say by the regex "ar56ji" will be one of the correct strings, not the previously said strings.

Thanks in advance.

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Arnab Das Avatar asked Apr 21 '11 16:04

Arnab Das

People also ask

How do I check if a string is alphanumeric regex?

For checking if a string consists only of alphanumerics using module regular expression or regex, we can call the re. match(regex, string) using the regex: "^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$". re. match returns an object, to check if it exists or not, we need to convert it to a boolean using bool().

What does regex 0 * 1 * 0 * 1 * Mean?

Basically (0+1)* mathes any sequence of ones and zeroes. So, in your example (0+1)*1(0+1)* should match any sequence that has 1. It would not match 000 , but it would match 010 , 1 , 111 etc. (0+1) means 0 OR 1. 1* means any number of ones.

What is difference [] and () in regex?

[] denotes a character class. () denotes a capturing group. [a-z0-9] -- One character that is in the range of a-z OR 0-9. (a-z0-9) -- Explicit capture of a-z0-9 .

2 Answers

This should do it:

if (Regex.IsMatch(subjectString, @"
    # Match string having one letter and one digit (min).
    \A                        # Anchor to start of string.
      (?=[^0-9]*[0-9])        # at least one number and
      (?=[^A-Za-z]*[A-Za-z])  # at least one letter.
      \w+                     # Match string of alphanums.
    \Z                        # Anchor to end of string.
    RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace)) {
    // Successful match
} else {
    // Match attempt failed

EDIT 2012-08-28 Improved efficiency of lookaheads by changing the lazy dot stars to specific greedy char classes.

like image 156
ridgerunner Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 22:11


Try this out:


There is a good article about it here: http://nilangshah.wordpress.com/2007/06/26/password-validation-via-regular-expression/

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Alex Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 22:11
