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Use case of Observable .do() operator (rxjs)

 Context :

I'm building an angular 2 app (with a Firebase API). I'm using the AngularFire module. I was wondering how I can mix the canActivate method with the AngularFire auth Observable, and I found this post. The answer is to make the canActivate method returns an Observable<boolean> :

canActivate(): Observable<boolean> {   return this.auth     .take(1)     .map((authState: FirebaseAuthState) => !!authState)     .do(authenticated => {       if (!authenticated) this.router.navigate(['/login']);     }); } 

It's the first time I see the Observable do operator, and I can't understand what it really does ? The official doc didnt help me, and I didn't found decent examples.


Can someone bring here some examples of .do() usage ? And difference with .subscribe() ?

like image 875
soywod Avatar asked Dec 04 '16 09:12


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2 Answers


Now it's pipe( tap(...), ) instead of do()


.do() is to execute code for each event. A difference to .map() is, that the return value of .do() is ignored and doesn't change what value the subscriber receives.

like image 69
Günter Zöchbauer Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 09:11

Günter Zöchbauer

Now it's pipe( tap(...), ) instead of do()

const source = of(1, 2, 3, 4); source.pipe(   tap(val => console.log('I am tap: ',val)),   filter(val =>  val > 2),   map(val => val + 1)).subscribe((val) => {   console.log('I am subscriber value after filtering: ', val); }); 


I am tap:  1 I am tap:  2 I am tap:  3 I am subscriber value after filtering:  4 I am tap:  4 I am subscriber value after filtering:  5 

*Tap operator doesn't modify anything, you can say that it is just to view the stream.

like image 34
Muhammad Bilal Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 09:11

Muhammad Bilal