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Use a LIKE statement on SQL Server XML Datatype

If you have a varchar field you can easily do SELECT * FROM TABLE WHERE ColumnA LIKE '%Test%' to see if that column contains a certain string.

How do you do that for XML Type?

I have the following which returns only rows that have a 'Text' node but I need to search within that node

select * from WebPageContent where data.exist('/PageContent/Text') = 1 
like image 839
Jon Avatar asked Dec 02 '09 13:12


People also ask

How use XML data in SQL Server?

To create a SQL table using XML elements, all you have to do is to change the mode value of the OPENXML function to 2 and change the name of the attributes to the name of the element you want to retrieve.

How do I get data from XML format in SQL Server?

SQL Server lets you retrieve data as XML by supporting the FOR XML clause, which can be included as part of your query. You can use the FOR XML clause in the main (outer) query as well as in subqueries. The clause supports numerous options that let you define the format of the XML data.

Is XML a data type in SQL?

The xml data type is a built-in data type in SQL Server and is somewhat similar to other built-in types such as int and varchar. As with other built-in types, you can use the xml data type as a column type when you create a table as a variable type, a parameter type, a function-return type, or in CAST and CONVERT.

Can we use XML in SQL?

Support for XML is integrated into all the components in SQL Server in the following ways: The xml data type. XML values can be stored natively in an xml data type column that can be typed according to a collection of XML schemas, or left untyped. You can index the XML column.

2 Answers

Yet another option is to cast the XML as nvarchar, and then search for the given string as if the XML vas a nvarchar field.

SELECT *  FROM Table WHERE CAST(Column as nvarchar(max)) LIKE '%TEST%' 

I love this solution as it is clean, easy to remember, hard to mess up, and can be used as a part of a where clause.

This might not be the best performing solution, so think twice before deplying it to production. It is however very usefull for a quick debug session, which is where I mostly use it.

EDIT: As Cliff mentions it, you could use:

...nvarchar if there's characters that don't convert to varchar

like image 86
Squazz Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 16:09


You should be able to do this quite easily:

SELECT *  FROM WebPageContent  WHERE data.value('(/PageContent/Text)[1]', 'varchar(100)') LIKE 'XYZ%' 

The .value method gives you the actual value, and you can define that to be returned as a VARCHAR(), which you can then check with a LIKE statement.

Mind you, this isn't going to be awfully fast. So if you have certain fields in your XML that you need to inspect a lot, you could:

  • create a stored function which gets the XML and returns the value you're looking for as a VARCHAR()
  • define a new computed field on your table which calls this function, and make it a PERSISTED column

With this, you'd basically "extract" a certain portion of the XML into a computed field, make it persisted, and then you can search very efficiently on it (heck: you can even INDEX that field!).


like image 20
marc_s Avatar answered Sep 16 '22 16:09
