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How to select id with max date group by category in PostgreSQL?

For an example, I would like to select id with max date group by category, the result is: 7, 2, 6

id  category  date 1   a         2013-01-01 2   b         2013-01-03 3   c         2013-01-02 4   a         2013-01-02 5   b         2013-01-02 6   c         2013-01-03 7   a         2013-01-03 8   b         2013-01-01 9   c         2013-01-01 

May I know how to do this in PostgreSQL?

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user2412043 Avatar asked Jun 04 '13 09:06


People also ask

How do I find the maximum value of a column in PostgreSQL?

PostgreSQL MAX() function is an aggregate function that returns the maximum value in a set of values. Syntax: MAX(expression); The MAX() function can be used with SELECT, WHERE and HAVING clause.

How do I select 3 max values in SQL?

To get the maximum value from three different columns, use the GREATEST() function. Insert some records in the table using insert command. Display all records from the table using select statement.

2 Answers

This is a perfect use-case for DISTINCT ON - a Postgres specific extension of the standard DISTINCT:

SELECT DISTINCT ON (category)        id  -- , category, date  -- any other column (expression) from the same row FROM   tbl ORDER  BY category, date DESC; 

Careful with descending sort order. If the column can be NULL, you may want to add NULLS LAST:

  • Sort by column ASC, but NULL values first?

DISTINCT ON is simple and fast. Detailed explanation in this related answer:

  • Select first row in each GROUP BY group?

For big tables with many rows per category consider an alternative approach:

  • Optimize GROUP BY query to retrieve latest row per user
  • Optimize groupwise maximum query
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Erwin Brandstetter Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 10:09

Erwin Brandstetter

Try this one:

SELECT t1.* FROM Table1 t1 JOIN  (    SELECT category, MAX(date) AS MAXDATE    FROM Table1    GROUP BY category ) t2 ON T1.category = t2.category AND t1.date = t2.MAXDATE 

See this SQLFiddle

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Himanshu Jansari Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 11:09

Himanshu Jansari