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URL mapping with C# HttpListener

In the code below I'm waiting for any call to the 8080 port.

static void Main()
  HttpListener listener = new HttpListener();
     HttpListenerContext ctx = listener.GetContext();
     new Thread(new Worker(ctx).ProcessRequest).Start();

Is it possible to map specific URL patterns to different behaviour? I want achieve a REST-style server i.e. a call to localhost:8080/person/1 will launch getPersonHandler(int)

public void getPersonHandler(int id){...}

The Mapping syntax is just my own wishful analogy to JAX-RS libraries that I know. I'd like to do the same in C# (desktop C#, not asp)

like image 249
emesx Avatar asked Apr 04 '12 18:04


People also ask

What does URL mapping mean?

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) Keyword URL mapping is the process of matching keywords to URLs on your website so that you're using the best possible pages to rank for each keyword.

What is URL mapping in asp net?

The UrlMapping class allows you to map a URL that is displayed to users to a URL that exists in your Web application. Adding a UrlMapping object to a UrlMappingCollection is the programmatic equivalent to including an add element in the urlMappings section of a configuration file.

1 Answers

You can get a similar effect without attributes

HttpListener listener = new HttpListener();
while (true)
    HttpListenerContext ctx = listener.GetContext();
    ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem((_) =>
        string methodName = ctx.Request.Url.Segments[1].Replace("/", "");
        string[] strParams = ctx.Request.Url

        var method = this.GetType().GetMethod(methodName);
        object[] @params = method.GetParameters()
                            .Select((p, i) => Convert.ChangeType(strParams[i], p.ParameterType))

        object ret = method.Invoke(this, @params);
        string retstr = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ret);

Usage would be:


if you really want to use Attributes then

HttpListener listener = new HttpListener();
while (true)
    HttpListenerContext ctx = listener.GetContext();
    ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem((_) =>
        string methodName = ctx.Request.Url.Segments[1].Replace("/", "");
        string[] strParams = ctx.Request.Url

        var method = this.GetType()
                            .Where(mi => mi.GetCustomAttributes(true).Any(attr => attr is Mapping && ((Mapping)attr).Map == methodName))

        object[] @params = method.GetParameters()
                            .Select((p, i) => Convert.ChangeType(strParams[i], p.ParameterType))

        object ret = method.Invoke(this, @params);
        string retstr = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ret);

Then you can use as http://localhost:8080/Person/333 and your definitions would be

class Mapping : Attribute
    public string Map;
    public Mapping(string s)
        Map = s;

public void getPersonHandler(int id)
    Console.WriteLine("<<<<" + id);
like image 129
L.B Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 15:10