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Starting multiple threads and keeping track of them from my .NET application

I would like to start x number of threads from my .NET application, and I would like to keep track of them as I will need to terminate them manually or when my application closes my application later on.

Example ==> Start Thread Alpha, Start Thread Beta .. then at any point in my application I should be able to say Terminate Thread Beta ..

What is the best way to keep track of opened threads in .NET and what do I need to know ( an id ? ) about a thread to terminate it ?

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G-Man Avatar asked Mar 01 '10 13:03


People also ask

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Answer: Yes, in a single process we execute multiple threads in C# multithreading program.

What is multi-threading in asp net?

Multiple threads running at the same time and performing various tasks is referred as Multithreading. A thread is considered to be a lightweight process because it runs within the context of a program and takes advantage of resources allocated for that program.

Is .NET multi-threaded?

With . NET, you can write applications that perform multiple operations at the same time. Operations with the potential of holding up other operations can execute on separate threads, a process known as multithreading or free threading.

2 Answers

You could save yourself the donkey work and use this Smart Thread Pool. It provides a unit of work system which allows you to query each thread's status at any point, and terminate them.

If that is too much bother, then as mentioned anIDictionary<string,Thread> is probably the simplest solution. Or even simpler is give each of your thread a name, and use an IList<Thread>:

public class MyThreadPool
    private IList<Thread> _threads;
    private readonly int MAX_THREADS = 25;

    public MyThreadPool()
        _threads = new List<Thread>();

    public void LaunchThreads()
        for (int i = 0; i < MAX_THREADS;i++)
            Thread thread = new Thread(ThreadEntry);
            thread.IsBackground = true;
            thread.Name = string.Format("MyThread{0}",i);


    public void KillThread(int index)
        string id = string.Format("MyThread{0}",index);
        foreach (Thread thread in _threads)
            if (thread.Name == id)

    void ThreadEntry()


You can of course get a lot more involved and complicated with it. If killing your threads isn't time sensitive (for example if you don't need to kill a thread in 3 seconds in a UI) then a Thread.Join() is a better practice.

And if you haven't already read it, then Jon Skeet has this good discussion and solution for the "don't use abort" advice that is common on SO.

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Chris S Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 23:10

Chris S

You can create a Dictionary of threads and assign them id's, like:

Dictionary<string, Thread> threads = new Dictionary<string, Thread>();
for(int i = 0 ;i < numOfThreads;i++)
    Thread thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(MethodToExe));
    thread.Name = threadName; //Any name you want to assign
    thread.Start(); //If you wish to start them straight away and call MethodToExe
    threads.Add(id, thread);

If you don't want to save threads against an Id you can use a list and later on just enumerate it to kill threads.

And when you wish to terminate them, you can abort them. Better have some condition in your MethodToExe that allows that method to leave allowing the thread to terminate gracefully. Something like:

void MethodToExe()
      //you code here//
      //you code here//

To abort you can enumerate the dictionary and call Thread.Abort(). Be ready to catch ThreadAbortException

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ata Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 22:10
