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Upsert (update or insert) in Sybase ASE?

I'm writing an application to move data from Oracle to Sybase and need to perform update / insert operations. In Oracle, I'd use MERGE INTO, but it doesn't seem to be available in Sybase (not in ASE, anyway). I know this can be done with multiple statements, but for a couple of reasons, I'm really trying to get this into a single statement.

Any suggestions?

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Ickster Avatar asked Dec 21 '10 22:12


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2 Answers

Merge exists in SAP ASE 15.7 upwards, as mentioned here and here

Replace / Upsert exists in SAP ASE 16.0 and up.

You'll need to update to access them.

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user11673175 Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 10:10


Maybe it could work. Tested in ASA9.

insert into my_table (columns) on existing update values (values);
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Fabrício Benvenutti Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 10:10

Fabrício Benvenutti