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How can I insert random values into a SQL Server table?

I'm trying to randomly insert values from a list of pre-defined values into a table for testing. I tried using the solution found on this StackOverflow question:


When I I tried this, all of my "random" values that are inserted are exactly the same for all 3000 records.

When I run the part of the query that actually selects the random row, it does select a random record every time I run it by hand, so I know the query works. My best guesses as to what is happening are:

  • SQL Server is optimizing the SELECT somehow, not allowing the subquery to be evaluated more than once
  • The random value's seed is the same on every record the query updates

I'm stuck on what my options are. Am I doing something wrong, or is there another way I should be doing this?

This is the code I'm using:

DECLARE @randomStuff TABLE ([id] INT, [val] VARCHAR(100))

INSERT INTO @randomStuff ([id], [val]) 
VALUES ( 1,  'Test Value 1' )
INSERT INTO @randomStuff ([id], [val])
VALUES ( 2,  'Test Value 2' )
INSERT INTO @randomStuff ([id], [val])
VALUES ( 3,  'Test Value 3' )
INSERT INTO @randomStuff ([id], [val])
VALUES ( 4,  'Test Value 4' )
INSERT INTO @randomStuff ([id], [val])
VALUES ( 5,  'Test Value 5' )
INSERT INTO @randomStuff ([id], [val])
VALUES ( 6,  null )
INSERT INTO @randomStuff ([id], [val])
VALUES ( 7,  null )
INSERT INTO @randomStuff ([id], [val])
VALUES ( 8,  null )
INSERT INTO @randomStuff ([id], [val])
VALUES ( 9,  null )
INSERT INTO @randomStuff ([id], [val])
VALUES ( 10, null )

SET MyColumn = (SELECT TOP 1 [val] FROM @randomStuff ORDER BY NEWID())
like image 852
Dan Herbert Avatar asked Sep 23 '09 19:09

Dan Herbert

People also ask

How do I insert a random value in a table in SQL?

To create a random integer number between two values (range), you can use the following formula: SELECT FLOOR(RAND()*(b-a+1))+a; Where a is the smallest number and b is the largest number that you want to generate a random number for.

How do you randomly sample data in SQL?

To get a single row randomly, we can use the LIMIT Clause and set to only one row. ORDER BY clause in the query is used to order the row(s) randomly. It is exactly the same as MYSQL. Just replace RAND( ) with RANDOM( ).

What is Rand function in SQL Server?

RAND() function : This function in SQL Server is used to return a random decimal value and this value lies in the range greater than and equal to zero (>=0) and less than 1. If we want to obtain a random integer R in the range i <= R < j, we have to use the expression “FLOOR(i + RAND() * (j − i))”.

1 Answers

When the query engine sees this...

(SELECT TOP 1 [val] FROM @randomStuff ORDER BY NEWID())

... it's all like, "ooooh, a cachable scalar subquery, I'm gonna cache that!"

You need to trick the query engine into thinking it's non-cachable. jfar's answer was close, but the query engine was smart enough to see the tautalogy of MyTable.MyColumn = MyTable.MyColumn, but it ain't smart enough to see through this.

   SET MyColumn = (SELECT TOP 1 val
                     FROM @randomStuff r
                          INNER JOIN MyTable _MT
                                  ON M.Id = _MT.Id
                    ORDER BY NEWID())
 FROM MyTable M

By bringing in the outer table (MT) into the subquery, the query engine assumes subquery will need to be re-evaluated. Anything will work really, but I went with the (assumed) primary key of MyTable.Id since it'd be indexed and would add very little overhead.

A cursor would probably be just as fast, but is most certainly not as fun.

like image 74
Alex Papadimoulis Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 20:10

Alex Papadimoulis