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Upload to heroku without git



Im making a tiny web app, really just for personal testing, the app is built with php / mysql, i plan to host it on heroku, but i was wondering is it possible to host stuff on heroku without pushing from git.

I am not too keen on using git as it's another thing to setup and i don't need any collaborators on this project, also if i want to keep my code private i have to sign-up to a premium account. Both of those seem kind of backwards if all i want to do is upload a project to heroku.

Does any one know a way round this where i can upload a local file directly from the command line ?

like image 821
sam Avatar asked May 14 '13 08:05


People also ask

Can you deploy to Heroku without Git?

You must have Git and the Heroku CLI installed to deploy with Git. Before you can deploy your app to Heroku, initialize a local Git repository and commit your application code to it.

Does Heroku use Git?

Git is a powerful, distributed version control system that many developers use to manage and version source code. The Heroku platform uses Git as the primary means for deploying applications (there are other ways to transport your source code to Heroku, including via an API).

1 Answers

You can use a plugin heroku push that is built by one of the Heroku engineers. You can find it at https://github.com/ddollar/heroku-push. But there isn't a FTP style upload available if that's what you're looking for.

Also, just because Heroku uses Git doesn't mean you have to have a Github account (since you mention having to have a premium account). All Github provides is an additional place to store your code if you are working on it in a team. There is absolutely NO REASON that you have to use github to use Heroku.

UPDATE: Heroku recently introduced programmatic builds which let you deploy a TAR file directly to Heroku via their API. Read more at https://blog.heroku.com/archives/2013/12/20/programmatically_release_code_to_heroku_using_the_platform_api

UPDATE2: Heroku have now introduced HTTP GIT - much simpler without having to deal with SSH keys and such like. Also, DropBox deployment is pretty neat.

like image 162
John Beynon Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 10:09

John Beynon