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upload multiple files in one request Dropzone sending two requests

I am trying to send multiple files in one request using DropZone js.

Here's my code :

Dropzone.autoDiscover = false;

var myDropzone = new Dropzone('#upload-Invoices', {       
    paramName: "files", 
    maxFilesize: 3.0, 
    maxFiles: 4,
    parallelUploads: 10000,
    uploadMultiple: true,
    autoProcessQueue: false

$('#btnUpload').on('click', function () {

Controller :

public void FileUpload( IEnumerable<HttpPostedFileBase> file )
    // Do Something


<form action="/Index/FileUpload"
      id="upload-Invoices" data-ajax-method="POST" data-ajax="true">
    <input type="submit" value="Upload File to Server" id="btnUpload">

The files are being received although in diferrent requests, I want to send all files in one request, the Dropzone page has an option for it although it does not work. Thanks in Advance

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SJMan Avatar asked Jan 19 '15 10:01


People also ask

What is maxFilesize in Dropzone?

I'm using Dropzone. js for my website. I'm in the need of uploading bigger files than the default maxFilesize of 500MB.

3 Answers

you can use uploadMultiple property default value false change it to true

            // autoQueue:false,


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ahmedkandil Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 04:09


The Issue was that I was using an input type="submit" which would do another post by itself, changing it to type button worked.

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SJMan Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 05:09


Had the same problem, just add autoDiscover: false, to your dropzone options and it should work!

My options are like this:

Dropzone.options.UploadZone = {        
    addRemoveLinks: true,
    autoDiscover: false,
    uploadMultiple: true,
    parallelUploads: 10,
    maxFiles: 10,
    acceptedFiles: ".jpeg,.jpg,.png",
    autoProcessQueue: false,

With autoProcessQueue: false and uploadMultiple: true: for each 2 files i was getting a request.

Then I added parallelUploads: 10 and maxFiles: 10 and i don't know why but my first 2 files started uploading as soon as i putted them on the dropzone, even with autoProcessQueue: false.

Then I just add autoDiscover: false and everything worked fine from there!

good look!

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MarchalPT Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 05:09
