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Upload files from Angular 7 Web App to Apollo 2.0 GraphQL Server

I am trying to upload files with Angular Apollo as Client and Apollo 2.0 as Server.

Trust me, I tried every tutorial, example I could find on the internet but no help. There's a library called apollo-upload-file they have given an example of how to implement it but at the client side they have used React. Although I tried implementing his example but nothing works.

Please help.

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DDD Avatar asked Apr 25 '19 03:04


People also ask

How do I upload a file to GraphQL?

See graphql-upload docs for details. singleUpload(file: Upload!): File! // by the `graphql-upload` package. // Invoking the `createReadStream` will return a Readable Stream.

Can GraphQL handle files?

Most GraphQL implementations do provide provisions to implement File Uploads through your GraphQL API however. Fully-Featured: All GraphQL APIs will use a text-based response format, so file downloads will still require a separate endpoint. This means your file upload and download will become separated.

How do I upload files to Altair?

Altair supports uploading both single files and an array of files (by switching the file upload from single to multiple file mode, or using the dot notation in single file mode e.g. for an array named fileList , you define the files as fileList. 0 , fileList. 1 , fileList.

1 Answers


In your schema you need to define the file argument as type Upload this is a built in type provided by Apollo

const { gql } = require('apollo-server');

const TypeDef = gql `
  type Mutation {
    upload(file: Upload!)

If you are getting an error about type Upload not being a type you can also define it in your schema ( I had this issue )

const { gql } = require('apollo-server');

const TypeDef = gql `
  scalar Upload

  type Mutation {
    upload(file: Upload!)

In your revolvers you can access the file in your args, One thing to note is that the file will be a promise;

const resolver = {
        Mutation: {
            async upload(obj, args, context, info) {
                const file = await args.file;
                // ... DO STUFF


In the client you need to use the apollo-angular-link-http package to help with file uploads. In the context of the request use need to set useMultipart : true

Query will look something like this

const uploadFileMutation = gql`
  mutation UploadMutation(
    $file: Upload!
  ) {
    upload(file: $file) {

The Apollo request will look like this

    private Apollo: Apollo
  ) { }

      mutation: uploadFileMutation,
      variables: {
        file: this.file
      context: {
         useMultipart: true
    }).subscribe(({ data }) => {
       this.response = data.upload

I hope this helps or at least gets you on the right track.

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Murry is Developing Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 07:09

Murry is Developing