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Updating part of a Document in Azure DocumentDB


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Can we update data in Cosmos DB?

Change feed in Azure Cosmos DB listens to a container for any changes and then outputs documents that were changed. Using change feed, you see all updates to documents including both partial and full document updates.

What happens when you add a new property to a JSON document that doesn't exist in any other document when storing in Cosmos DB?

When you save a document that's missing the property specified by your partition key, it will result in assigning an "undefined" value for its partition key. In the future, if you wanted to provide a value for the partition key of such a document, you'd have to delete, and then re-add, the document.

What is change feed in Cosmos DB?

Change feed in Azure Cosmos DB is a persistent record of changes to a container in the order they occur. Change feed support in Azure Cosmos DB works by listening to an Azure Cosmos container for any changes. It then outputs the sorted list of documents that were changed in the order in which they were modified.

What is Upsert in Cosmos DB?

Upserts a Document as an asychronous operation in the Azure Cosmos DB service. UpsertDocumentAsync(Uri, Object, RequestOptions, Boolean, CancellationToken) Upserts a document as an asynchronous operation in the Azure Cosmos DB service.

Is there a way to update part of a document in a DocumentDB collection?

I know that ReplaceDocumentAsync lets you update a document, but you have to replace the entire document. This sounds kind of scary. If I have an object that has other objects nested I will have to query for the parent document and then replace the entire document to update a nested part of the object.

Does DocumentDB handle ReplaceDocumentAsync in a way that makes it perform better than it might seem on the surface?