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jQuery Summernote custom button function

I have a jsFiddle here -> http://jsfiddle.net/cm910t89/2/

I created a custom button in Summernote WYSIWYG Editor and I can't seem to get my function to work properly inside the plugin.

I want the user to be able to highlight (or select using their cursor) any text within the editor and then click my custom button which will wrap that selected text in a span tag with a special class of 'snote'.

Right now I can wrap the selected in a span tag with that class, but all of the formatting within the editor gets erased.

Can anyone help so that the selected text gets wrapped in the span tag AND the formatting remains the same?

jsFiddle -> http://jsfiddle.net/cm910t89/2/

$(document).ready(function() {
var editor = $('#summernote');
    height: ($(window).height() - 250),
    focus: false,
    toolbar: [
            ['style', ['bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'clear']],
            ['font', ['strikethrough']],
            ['fontsize', ['fontsize']],
            ['para', ['ul', 'ol', 'paragraph']],
            ['height', ['height']],
            ['view', ['fullscreen', 'codeview']],
    oninit: function() {
        // Add "open" - "save" buttons
        var noteBtn = '<button id="makeSnote" type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-sm btn-small" title="Identify a music note" data-event="something" tabindex="-1"><i class="fa fa-music"></i></button>';            
        var fileGroup = '<div class="note-file btn-group">' + noteBtn + '</div>';
        // Button tooltips
        $('#makeSnote').tooltip({container: 'body', placement: 'bottom'});
        // Button events
        $('#makeSnote').click(function(event) {
            var highlight = window.getSelection(),  
            spn = '<span class="snote" style="color:blue;">' + highlight + '</span>',
            text = $('.note-editable').children('p').text(),
            range = highlight.getRangeAt(0),
            startText = text.substring(0, range.startOffset), 
            endText = text.substring(range.endOffset, text.length);

            $('.note-editable').html(startText + spn + endText);

like image 728
2 revs Avatar asked Apr 14 '15 16:04

2 revs

People also ask

How do you customize Summernote?

You can customize it with popover. air option. $('#summernote'). summernote({ popover: { air: [ ['color', ['color']], ['font', ['bold', 'underline', 'clear']] ] } });

How do I add HTML to Summernote?

First, download the minified precompiled version of Summernote from the official website. Extract it & place it in the current working folder. Create an index. html file & declare the Bootstrap & jQuery links inside the <head> tag.

How do you set height in Summernote?

Height and Focus summernote({ height: 300, // set editor height minHeight: null, // set minimum height of editor maxHeight: null, // set maximum height of editor focus: true // set focus to editable area after initializing summernote });

2 Answers

Since $('.note-editable') is a textarea, when you call .text() it will get only the text for the element, loosing all the html that the plugin summernote is adding to show nicely for you.

You don't need all that code to replace the highlighted text. In fact, all you need is that range object you created! With him, you call .deleteContents()to clear the selected range and then call .insertNode(node) to insert a dynamic created span with the text:

$('#makeSnote').click(function(event) {
     var highlight = window.getSelection(),  
         spn = document.createElement('span'),
         range = highlight.getRangeAt(0)

     spn.innerHTML = highlight;
     spn.className = 'snote';  
     spn.style.color = 'blue';


Here's working fiddle.

like image 140
Denis Ali Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 09:09

Denis Ali

Try this

$('#makeSnote').click(function(event) {
    var highlight = window.getSelection(),  
    spn = '<span class="snote" style="color:blue;">' + highlight + '</span>',
    text = $(highlight.anchorNode).text(),
    range = highlight.getRangeAt(0),
    startText = text.substring(0, range.startOffset), 
    endText = text.substring(range.endOffset, text.length);
    $(highlight.anchorNode).replaceWith(startText + spn + endText);

I used the anchorNode instead, beacause you have other HTML Node other than Text in your TextArea.

like image 34
Alvin Magalona Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 09:09

Alvin Magalona