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jQuery image crossfade with pre-loader

I want a simple image crossfade, similar to http://malsup.com/jquery/cycle/, but with a pre-loader. Is there a good jQuery plugin that does both? Also, I'm not looking for a load bar.

This question is close, but not the same => jQuery Crossfade Plugin

It would be great if it was a solution that defaulted to CSS3, but would otherwise fall back to JS to keep the processing native as possible.

Looking for something that..

  • will autoplay
  • without controls
  • will go to the next image based on time setting, ie. 5 seconds, unless the next image isn't loaded in which case it finishes loading the image and then displays it.
  • crossfade transition, not fade to black or white, but cross-fade. from the start it would fadein.
  • no thumbnails or galleries, etc. just the image
  • If images could be CSS background images, that would be best, so users can't drag out the image simply
  • Each panel needs to be clickable so a user could click the image and go to a part of the website.
like image 990
Kirk Strobeck Avatar asked Oct 05 '11 01:10

Kirk Strobeck

1 Answers

Well, here's my poke at it. The preloader is in vanilla js and the slideshow loop is in jQuery. It's very simple to implement and the concept is even simpler.


a very simple Demo that illustrates the DOM manipulation approach


<!-- not much here... just a container -->
<div id="content"></div>


/* just the important stuff here.  The demo has example styling. */
#content img


// simple array
var images = [

// some adjustable variables
var delay = 2000;
var transition = 1000;

// the preloader
for(var i in images)
    var img = document.createElement("img");
    img.src = images[i];
    img.onload = function(){
        var parent = document.getElementById("content");
        if(i == images.length - 1)
            i = 0;

// and the actual loop
function startSlides()
    $("#content img:last").delay(delay).fadeTo(transition,0,function(){

The concept in brief is to fade the first image in a container, once complete change it's position in the DOM (effectively hiding it behind equal tree level siblings), and call the function again. The reason why this works is because it only fades the first child of the container, but on callback it changes what node that is constantly looping the nodes. This makes for a very small source file that is quite effective.


and 32 minutes tweaking later...

Demo 2


My oh so simple script is now very complicated :P I added in some scaling features that only work on modern browsers but are there if needed. This one also has a loading bar as it preloads the images (may or may not be desirable :P)

small images demo

large images demo

like image 191
Joseph Marikle Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 23:10

Joseph Marikle