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Updating OpenSSL version on OSX

Currently on OSX 10.7 Lion openssl 0.9.8r is installed. This build is from Feb 2011 and I want to update it to the newest version. I can't use the autoupdate because I need the enable-cms option so I built it from the source, run ./Configure darwin64-x86_64-ccand ./config enable-cms --openssldir=~/usr/local/ssl. Then I made "make" and "make install" without any errors but there is still the old version installed.

> openssl version
OpenSSL 0.9.8r 8 Feb 2011

What am I doing wrong? Maybe it's the folder? I only guessed that the ssl folder in /usr/local/ must be the default open ssl installation directory from Mac OSX?

like image 239
Chris Avatar asked Feb 14 '12 11:02


People also ask

Is OpenSSL installed on Mac?

Whether you are building apps for just macOS or for cross-platform, if your app is using OpenSSL for crypto-works, you will have to install OpenSSL library since macOS ships with LibreSSL. Furthermore, cross-platform cryptography in . Net Core and . Net 5 uses OpenSSL on macOS.

2 Answers

Okay, I found a solution.

Before starting:

  1. download sources
  2. unpack sources
  3. go into the unpacked source directory

The prefix has to be set on the /usr/ folder.

sudo ./configure --prefix=/usr/ darwin64-x86_64-cc enable-cms
sudo make
sudo make install

Note: To perform just a normal update you can drop the enable-cms option.

like image 102
Chris Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 00:10


brew version (installed in '/usr/local/opt/openssl/bin') has such support for me.


like image 40
Anton Breusov Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 01:10

Anton Breusov